bob平台 Bread Recipes

Seed and Honey Bread

Mixed Seed and Honey Bread Recipe (1)

Bread plays an important role during the long winter months, be it as part of a comforting door-stop sandwich or simply to accompany ahearty bowl of soup. As such, it’s important to keep your choice in bread fresh and varied; five months of white bread isn’t entirely appealing. In this situation it’s best to bring a little extra flavour and texture to the mix. This recipe forSeed and Honey Breaddelivers in spades on both counts.

With recipes like this, it is a real shame to use only white bread flour, and I often find wholemeal to be a little ungainly and unpleasant to work with. It is far better to replace around a quarter to a third of the total quantity of white flour with that of an older, more rustic grain like spelt or rye. Using just a little of either grain gives homemade bread a more complex, enjoyable flavour and a slightly improved texture, without weighing down the final product.

Mixed Seed and Honey Bread Recipe (4)

There’s nothing more comforting than waking up to a frosty morning and slathering a thick slice of toast with a generous portion of good quality honey. Adding a tablespoon of honey to a loaf has a very similar effect, serving to sweeten, develop depth of flavour and even preserve your bread. You’ll find that any honey will do, though if there are options available I’d suggest choosing a relatively mild example, as it shouldn’t be given the chance to dominate the subtle flavour of the seeds. For the ultimate in comfort eating, why not toast a slice of this bread and spread it with a set honey of your choice. Heaven.

Seed and Honey Bread

Makes 1 medium boule


• 300g white bread flour

• 100g rye flour

• 1 tsp salt

• 50g mixed seeds + extra to roll

• 260ml tepid water

• 7g sachet fast-action yeast

• 1 tbsp honey

• 3 tbsp olive oil


1. In a measuring jug, gently whisk together the water, honey and yeast – set aside.

2. Take a large mixing bowl and thoroughly combine the flours, salt and seeds.

3. Make a well in the centre of the flour and tip in the yeast mixture and olive oil. Bring together into soft dough – you may have to alter the amount of water to achieve this.

4. Knead the dough on a floured surface for 8-10 minutes and return it to a lightly oiled bowl. Cover with a cloth and set in a warm place to double in size (~1 hour).

5.将面团取出,磨碎的表面knock back. Shape into a boule, roll in a handful of seeds, place on a lightly oiled baking tray, cover and return to a warm place to prove.

6. Once springy to the touch and roughly doubled in size, heat your oven to 220C/200C(fan) and bake for 30-35 minutes until dark brown. It should sound hollow when tapped on its base. Set aside to cool before slicing.

Mixed Seed and Honey Bread Recipe (2) Mixed Seed and Honey Bread Recipe (3)

Cost:Good quality honey may cost a fair whack, but it does go a long way – particularly in bread. Indeed, though this loaf does have a few added ingredients it should set you back no more than£1.50. Far cheaper than an equivalent loaf at a supermarket or bakery!

30 replies on “Seed and Honey Bread”

Love the sound of this – I totally agree there is nothing better than starting the day with a toasted slice of bread topped with honey (although in my case you also add a little butter underneath and a sprinkle of sea salt on top). We have been going through a fair amount of homemade bread as well – it just goes so well with everything! Might have to try a seed and honey version like yours next time I am baking!

That looks like a very tasty recipe. My toast topping of choice at the moment is almond butter. It is quite expensive (and therefore not very frugal) but it is so delicious.

你觉得这道菜在面包mac工作吗hine? I enjoy making my own bread but when I don’t have time, the bread machine is great!

[…] Simple flavours, quality ingredients and the economic use of both, pretty much sums up my attitude to food. Though not always appropriate or achievable, an effective way to maximise the enjoyment of whatever delights may be lurking within your pantry is simply to place them in the general vicinity of one another and let your mouth do the… chewing. Unfortunately, there appears to be a tendency in “food” to perform awfully clever tricks, when all that needs to be done is provide exceptional combinations of food with a meeting place. Truly, there can be no better surface on which my recipe for Poached Eggs with Anchovies to converge than a slice of my homemade mixed seed and honey loaf. […]

I make a huge loaf of sourdough every few days but i really need to try out a few different breads – I love this kind of loaf…so tasty and filling. I will promised myself that I’ll buy some interesting flours and seeds this weekend!

I’ve still not made a sourdough. I feel like I just want someone to come and guide me through it to make it seem less… long. I know I’m just being a weak foodie! Interesting flours make the world go round.

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