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Mango Chutney with a Hint of Kick

Quick Mango Chutney Recipe

If there’s one condiment that pairs itself almost universally well with food of a spicy disposition it has to bemango chutney. The devilishly-difficult-to-rival flavour of well-made mango chutney manages to behave amiably with similar ingredients, no matter how slight their shared characteristics may be.

There is also an element of experimental fun to the preparation of any chutney, mango or otherwise. You see, this particular chutney recipe is based upon my own personal tastes and fancies; yours needn’t be entirely the same. Indeed, the only ingredients vital to the success of this recipe are the mangoes, vinegar and sugar – all else can, but shouldn’t, be done without.

Though, I would highly recommend the use of black onion seeds since they always manage to take mango chutney to the next level, or even the one after that, wherever that may be.

Those among you who don’t suffer from debilitating visual issues or absurdly frequent bouts of catastrophic memory loss will notice that my dear little space on the web has undergone yet another change. Those of you who do have problems pertaining to the above mentioned faculties of the human body should entirely ignore my vitriolic comments; it clearly (or rather unclearly) is not your fault.

Mango Chutney Recipe

Anyway, I really must describe to you just how wonderful this chutney really is. It doesn’t pussy foot around flavour like those one might purchase at one’s local supermarket; it really adds something special to a dish.

No longer will mango chutney be spooned in a deprecating manner onto the very edge of one’s plate. Happily, it is extremely easy to reproduce and requires only a modicum of planning. If you ever thought that you might like to make one of my recipes this truly is the one to choose, if only because of the fact you needn’t follow the recipe at all –how conveniently ironic.

How to make Mango Chutney

Mango Chutney

Fills one 500ml pot


• 2 large, fairly ripe mangoes

• 1 chopped apple, any variety will do (I used a braeburn)

• A thumb-sized piece of ginger, finely chopped

• 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

• 300ml white wine vinegar

• 260g of caster sugar

• 1 tsp black onion seeds

• A small shard of cinnamon bark

• 1 tsp turmeric

• 1 tsp chilli flakes

• ½ tsp chilli powder



1. The night before you want to make the chutney it is necessary to peel one’s mangoes, cube them and sprinkle them with salt. This draws out some of their moisture and softens them. Make sure to rinse before use!

Quick Mango Chutney Recipe

2. Tip the apple, ginger, garlic, vinegar, sugar, onion seeds, cinnamon, turmeric, chilli flakes and chilli powder into a pan. Heat until the sugar has dissolved. Add the mango and bring to a gentle simmer.

How to make mango chutney

3. Simmer the chutney for 30-40 minutes until it has achieved a thick, sticky consistency. Season to taste. While waiting for the magic to happen one should sterilize one’s vessel to ensure the chutney stays good for at least a couple of weeks. Once the chutney is done transfer it to the jar and allow to cool before applying the lid.Allowing the chutney to mature for a couple of days will only increase the pleasure it gives your mouth.

Sweet Mango Chutney Recipe

Cost:The leading brand of mango chutney in Britain sells for roughly£2per jar, though the jar is smaller than mine. Thankfully, mangoes are very cheap at the moment which allows me to make this large jar for£2.50. Though the cost/g is only a little better, the quality of homemade chutney far outstrips that which is mass-marketed. Enjoy!

105 replies on “Mango Chutney with a Hint of Kick”

Since I always eat with my eyes, am definitely LOVING your photography. With mangoes ripe and rife in my neighborhood fruit markets and my penchant for winging recipes, I’ll let you know how this turns out for me! Thank you!

Have just filed this for next mango season here. Don’t think I have used cinnamon bark or turmeric in my other recipes! Thanks heaps!!

Just when I thought your blog couldn’t get any better looking, you go and get a big fancy camera to take photos that knocks my socks off. Socks. Off!

This mango chutney looks amazing. I love the use of black onion seeds. I’ve used nigella seeds for this, and from your crisp picture, they look really similar. Are they the same? Is it one of those we-call-it-this-you-call-it-that items?

Haha, thanks, Daisy! Sorry for knocking your socks off, how thoughtless of me. They are similar, but it seems that they are not quite the same, though people do confuse them. So, no you Americans aren’t wrong in this case…

Frugal, I love your writing, you lovable cocky foodie boy you! You do make me smile :D. May I say bravo on the photos – you’re really working the infamous shallow depth of field gold standard of food fotography ;). I adore kilner jars and the very look of the top image alone has sold me to make my own mango chutney. I bought a jar from Waitrose (how un-Frugal of me! :O) that has chilli flakes and kaloonji in like yours and it’s amazing how much better it is than the bog standard stuff. Now you’ve shown me how to make my own, I need not buy it again (plus I have a crate of mangoes at the mo looking for a recipe to be splurged on – this will be one of them once they are ripe ). Thank you! Xx

谢谢你,乔,我故意不自大,实际我;my rather nice, I promise! I’m slowly getting to grips with this camera – there’s plenty of literature on the subject… We got 8 of those jars for £5 – ridiculous… Some bigger than others too. The standard stuff is awful in comparison. I really hope you do end up making this, Jo! Your mangoes do look rather splendid.

You really can tell the difference between your old photos and these past two posts with the new camera. That first photo especially- stunning. Curious, what do you do with chutney typically? Top meat? Spread it on toast? Spoon it out of the jar directly into your mouth?

Loving the look (and sound) of this recipe. The mangoes grown here in Australia are rather difference in appearance. The skins are yellow, through to peachy, in colour; and the flesh is almost ‘yolk’ coloured. When ripe, the flesh is soft and super sweet. So, I’m wondering, should I do away with the ‘salting’ process? Or perhaps you’d recommend using an underripe mango instead? Interested in your thoughts. Cheers, Nina

Sorry to pester but still wondering about the ‘salting process’ with the rather sweet mangoes we grow in Australia?

yes, it is the second time I visit your page and I did notice the difference. actually, I was considering the possibility of using your new theme – would that be like stealing? mine is similar but… oh well, haven’t figured out how to have “pages” on that. anyway. your photography is really good and this recipe rocks. although I am not a fun of sugar in food (but I love it in sweets), I may give it a go. if nothing else, I will make my husband happy (he still does not understand how Italians can eat without sauces). cheers

Beautiful photos – I love the one of the black onion seeds on the spoon, which while we are on the topic I have never heard of! They sound so interesting, I am definitely going to have to find some soon. I love chutneys but I have never made my own, shameful I know – but this post of yours has inspired me!

Mango Chutney is my favorite- love it when its a bit spicy too!
Growing up there was always a jar full of the chutney in our fridge, my mom would add raisins in it for me

嗨,尼克,你认为你能让这个dried mango? I have a lot of it – shopping error – of course I want to use it up and mango chutney seems like a good place to start. Any idea what weight I might need? PS Love the blog!

Your additions to this chutney are tremendous. A true foody! Have you made peach/(red) pepper chutney? It is my favorite. I will revise my recipe to yours — with added heat (and black onion seeds)! I have subscribed to your blog..will tell my friends to follow you too!

Hi Nick, out of all my search for mango chutney recipes this one looks delish, mangoes is what we have plenty of in Manila Philippines. I want to try the recipe but I can’t find black onion seeds in the grocer. Will it make a huge difference on the taste if I omit it?

Hi Nick, just making a batch of this wonderful chutney, it’s a real favourite in this house.
Thank you for such a great recipe.

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