North African Recipes

Merguez and Spinach Sourdough Pancakes

Merguez and Spinach Sourdough PancakesIt is established fact that pancakes are extremely effective vehicles for flavour. However, I often find that “normal” British pancakes – essentially crepes – are better suited to sweet, rather than savoury, toppings.Sourdough pancakesare a little different; their inherent “sourness” combines exceedingly well with savoury accompaniments – particularly those with strong flavours. Pancakes have never really ‘done it’ for me, that is, until these battery beauties found their way onto my plate.

Chocolate Dairy-Free Recipes Winter

Stout Chilli

Stout Chilli

St. Patrick’s Day is upon us once more and though the Irish appear to have forgotten how to play rugby – they got stuffed by the Italians – this stout chilli is certainly cause for celebration. Indeed, as you may have inferred, ‘stout’ refers not to the build of the dish, though it is rather meaty, but to its contents. Guinness is, of course, the most popular stout and is one that, as popular opinion would have it, the Irish drink almost perpetually from birth. Could there be a more perfect St. Patrick’s Day meal? Probably not.

Bread Italian Recipes

Chorizo and Cheddar Pizza

Chorizo and Cheddar Pizza

Bread, when made at home, can be one of the most frugal foods out there and what a lot of people don’t seem to realise is that includes pizza. So, when you’re spending £5-6 on a “top-notch” pizza from a supermarket you’re spending far more than necessary. Even pre-made pizza bases are extortionately priced – particularly since they tend to be insipid, uninspiring imitations of what is, in reality, a very basic product. The best approach to take is to make a large amount of dough in advance, portion it out and freeze it for later use.

Healthy Eating Recipes Salad

Sweet Potato and Chicken Salad


Salad dressing can sometimes be a little problematic, in that it has an irritating tendency to obey the laws of gravity and sink to the bowels of one’s salad bowl. Allowing a well-made dressing to miss out on even a moment’s culinary action is, in my book, indefensible. Happily, chicken and sweet potato act as an edible sponge for superfluous juices and do a great job of mopping up recalcitrant drizzle. It pains me to describe a dish a ‘well-integrated’, but with every ingredient cooperating with one another on myriad different levels, it’s hard not to.

Recipes Vegetarian

Sourdough Pancakes

Sourdough Pancakes

Sourdough starter is a wonderful thing – I’ve not yet used mine to make bread, but already my nose and mouth have developed an appreciation for all it can convey. Take these pancakes, for instance; never before has a pancake been so flavourful, complex or versatile. Indeed, what you see before you are equally suited to both sweet and savoury toppings – there need be no limit to your imagination here. Just you wait!