North African Recipes

Merguez一d Spinach Sourdough Pancakes

Merguez一d Spinach Sourdough PancakesIt is established fact that pancakes are extremely effective vehicles for flavour. However, I often find that “normal” British pancakes – essentially crepes – are better suited to sweet, rather than savoury, toppings.Sourdough pancakesare a little different; their inherent “sourness” combines exceedingly well with savoury accompaniments – particularly those with strong flavours. Pancakes have never really ‘done it’ for me, that is, until these battery beauties found their way onto my plate.

香肠和煎饼,计谋rse, presented itself to me long before this recipe came about. However, it wasn’t until I readthis recipe, penned by Tom and Henry Herbert (aka the – fabulous – Baker Brothers), that the union of the two piqued my interest. Merguez is a variety of spicy mutton or beef based sausage, typically eaten in North African cuisine. Though not necessarily in themselves frugal, two or three of these heavily spiced bangers can be made to go rather far.

Merguez一d Spinach Sourdough Pancakes

Spinach seemed like the natural addition to sausage and pancake – it has a flavour that can compete with the best and provides the dish with much needed lightness. However, a number of other greens would work just, or nearly, as well. Kale or a rugged wintry cabbage, such asJanuary King, are just two of my suggested replacements for spinach and ones that would serve to lower the price of the dish even further. Just stick with the butter, always stick with the butter.

Merguez一d Spinach Sourdough Pancakes

Serves 2


• 1 batch ofsourdough pancakes

• Two large handfuls of fresh spinach

• 3 thin merguez sausages

• A large knob of salted butter

• Pepper

• Olive oil


1. As you’re getting towards the end of making your pancakes, heat a heavy based frying pan and a little oil. Slice the sausages into 1.5cm chunks and begin to fry.

2. Cook the sausages until they start turning crispy. In another pan heat up a knob of butter and wilt the spinach along with a twist of pepper. After a minute or two, before the spinach goes to nothing, add it to the sausages and serve atop stacks of pancakes.

Merguez一d Spinach Sourdough Pancakes

Cost:Sourdough pancakes are exceedingly cheap, particularly as they avoid the unnecessary waste of starter. Merguez sausages can be a little pricey, but they go so far it isn’t really an issue. All in all, this delightful breakfast for two should set one back no more than about£2.80!

55 replies on “Merguez and Spinach Sourdough Pancakes”

You’re making me think and consider new options! I’ve always leaned toward the pancake as a vehicle for things sweet, but why should’t it bravely deliver a savoury bite? This dish looks striking, and I can imagine that it tastes just as good!

I thought I’d lost you!! I kept clicking on the link on my blog and the last post was March 5th. So I googled you and realized I forgot to change the link url. Phew! These look delicious Frugal as does your new site! Happy almost weekend

THANK YOU! You totally alerted me to the fact my old blog was no longer redirecting – all fixed (at a price of $13). Thank you!

Oh my gosh, the photo of your last sourdough pancakes with the butter all melty on top was enough to do me in! These look fabulous. Your photography gets better and better all the time Nick

Thank you Frugal for getting back to me!! I did the same, but mine is still not showing on Reader. One WordPress Happiness Engineer is subscribing to my blog to troubleshoot. Talk about service! Until next post… BTW, my hubby was very impressed with this recipe of yours…

I’m so sad I only discovered these pancakes after abandoning my rather long-in-the-tooth starter a few weeks ago, darn it! These look delicious… Thanks for liking my congee post – a very Frugal dish indeed

Thanks for liking my post about Mexican street food! Have you found a few decent (and cheap) Mexican restaurants in England?

Have you heard of a Tunisian dish called labladi? I recently came back from a short trip to Tunis and now that’s my new favorite Maghreb dish.

No problem – I’ve tried one called Wahaca (Oaxaca) in London. It’s not exclusively Mexican, but it is cheap and delicious. Never heard of that dish, but I’ll definitely look it up!

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