Healthy Eating levtantine Recipes Vegetarian

Terrific Tabbouleh


last week I embarked on my fifth attendance of a rather exquisite classical music festival somewhat obviously calledMusicfest. I hadn’t intended on going, but as I found a job three days before it started which wouldn’t commence until the week after it finished, how could I say no? This has been the reason for my absence from the lovely e-folds of wordpress – if I was missed I am truly sorry. Basically what this festival entails is practising one’s instrument with particular vigour and enthusiasm every day, all day, for a week, and then performing at the end of it. As such, I’ve not had any opportunity for healthy, cheap or tasty food. This saddens me, so I no longer drink alcohol and I have reverted to the whole “my body is my temple” sort of attitude – although I would say that calling this body a temple is a rather unapt description.

Tabbouleh is a traditional salad from the Levant – an area previously part of the Ottoman Empire. It is a vast tract which covers a number of countries such as Lebanon, Israel and Southern Turkey, and is famous for mezze foods such as houmous. It also happens, quite happily, to be bloody delicious – although I would say that this recipe is not for the faint hearted, almost every ingredient packs a bit of a punch. The health benefits are also pretty noticeable – it has plenty of fresh foods and bulgur wheat is full of protein, not to mention very low in calories.

lebanese Tabbouleh

Serves 4-6


• 100g bulgur wheat

• 2 large tomatoes, seeds removed and diced

• Large bunch of parsley, chopped

• Small bunch of mint, chopped

• Small bunch of chives, chopped

• 1 red onion, finely chopped

• Juice of 1 lemon

• Good slug of olive oil

• 1 clove of garlic, mashed

• Salt and pepper


1. Follow the instructions on the bulgur wheat pack in order to cook it. Set aside.

2. Mix together the herbs, onion, garlic, tomatoes, lemon juice and olive oil. Fluff up the cooked bulgur wheat and combine thoroughly with herb mixture. Season and serve with flatbreads (recipe imminent).


The whole bowl of Tabbouleh should cost no more than £1.50 and far less if, like us, you grow your own herbs – as they are by far the most expensive part. It’ll be even cheaper once our tomatoes ripen, lemons are unfortunately a little beyond us.

21 replies on “Terrific Tabbouleh”

Ah, reminds me of a week’s residential music festival at Gatton Park when I played in the local youth wind band; long days of furious practice followed by a monumental concert. A great experience but it certainly wasn’t about the food…
This recipe sounds great, I love tabouleh. I suppose you could use quinoa instead of bulgur wheat too, if you were trying to avoid wheat products. Although that would push the price up somewhat.

Yes I suppose you could, but as you say it would push the price up which I try to avoid. To be honest there’s only 100g of bulgur wheat between 4 to 6 people so if you’re trying to avoid that it’s a little extreme – it’s not like it’s white bread or something. I’ve done so many residential music courses, this is a little different as it’s mainly solo or small chamber work, I miss residential orchestral stuff though.

One of my favorite summer hot-weather dishes! A dash of ground cumin really goes well with it too!

And yes, it’s dangerous as leftovers – fabulous straight from the fridge and can disappear magically without you realising where it’d gone!

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