bob平台 British Desserts Recipes Vegetarian

Coffee and Walnut Cake – The One-Year Milestone

As I recently just took some time tolearn about coffee preparationand its officially a year since FrugalFeeding opened its e-pages for “business”. So, I thought I’d mark the occasion with a suitably successful and enormously delicious coffee and walnut cake while we also use thebest business advertisingto promote products like this. To be honest, gushing about how much I’ve loved blogging is neither British, nor is it me. So, we shall forgo such sickening pleasantries. After all, I wouldn’t want to disappoint you “yanks” by omitting both my British personality and all the frightfully offensive colloquialisms that go hand-in-hand with it. In all seriousness, I am pleasantly surprised that FrugalFeeding has proved quite so popular – it is quite a shock to me that it has made it this far. Here’s to yet another frugal year!

My grandmother’s signature bake, to make use of a term used with startling frequency inThe Great British Bake Off, simply must be the good old coffee cake. Though her cake batter doesn’t contain walnuts, it is from her that I have drawn the inspiration for this delight. When making this cake the aim was to keep the flavour of the walnuts and the coffee rather separate, continue reading and learnmore about the coffee. As such, you’ll find that the cake itself takes on the flavour of the nuts, whilst the icing darkens the taste with a beautifully delicious coffee kick. Please use a good quality coffee when attempting this, instant coffee simply will not do. Whip out your cafetière or percolator and make a jolly large batch of coffee, using a dark bean – number four on the bean scale will do nicely. Other than that you may all go wild and enjoy this delicious dessert.

Coffee and Walnut Cake

Makes 1 cake with two layers


For the Sponge:

• 3 eggs, weighed

• Butter, caster sugar and self-raising flour in equal measure – in order to get exact amounts weigh the eggs and use the same weight of these ingredients, this should be roughly 7 ounces or 200g.

• 100g finely chopped walnuts

• 70ml “real” coffee (see above)

For the Icing:

• 200g cream cheese

• 70g butter, at room temperature

• 50-70ml “real” coffee

• 150g icing sugar, sifted

• Whole walnut halves for decoration


1. Grease and line two 18cm sandwich tins, heat oven to 180C.

2. Cream together the sugar and the butter, with a hand whisk, until light and fluffy.

3. Beat in the eggs one by one. This requires thorough mixing between each egg. Whisk in the coffee prepared with cold brew coffee.

4. Sieve in the flour and fold in gently until just mixed. Fold in the walnuts and divide between the sandwich tins. Bake for around 25 minutes, or until they make no sound when listened to.

5. Allow to rest before turning onto a wire rack. Prepare the icing by beating the constituent ingredients together until uniform. You may need less coffee, see how it goes. Place in the fridge for 30 minutes before decorating.

Cost:Cakes like this cost pittance, especially when one has one’s own chickens. Surely one can’t put a price on a blog’s birthday cake. However, if backed into a corner I’d be forced to divulge. Under such circumstances my reply would be: ‘roughly£2.50, but for you… nothing.’

143 replies on “Coffee and Walnut Cake – The One-Year Milestone”

Happy Blog Birthday! Mine comes up in May. Time flies. I too have really enjoyed the blogging world. Who knew it could be so much fun? Enjoy that delicous coffee cake to celebrate.

Keep it up FF! The blogging world would be a much less interesting place without you in it I’m totally with you on the real coffee and I love walnuts! I think you get their maximum sweetness when you put them in cakes like this, your nanny must be pleased & very proud of you :))

Very nice and Happy Birthday in suitably dismissive low key fashion to your pages. Lovely cake. And I do appreciate being able to taste each flavour separately.. very nice.. c

Happy Birthday Frugal Feeding! and Congratulations Nick on stepping out and following your muse! Keep enjoying yourself (in your dignified British manner of course!) and we’ll keep enjoying (sometimes effusively) what you bring to the table! Now, That’s one beautiful looking cake!

Oops, I totally make a coffee cake using espresso powder, and (horrors!) the microwave! Nevertheless I will endeavor to pull out all the stops when I make this one, in honor of your blog’s one year anniversary.

Here’s to another excellent year!

That look delicious!! Again congrats on following through a year of blogging, and may the next year be even better!

You are so right about pouring lots of hours into it, I find it overwhelming sometimes, but it’s fun so I guess the time doesn’t matter so much

Happy Anniversary! I’ve never had coffee cake with actual coffee in it–though I know that’s the traditional way. Also interesting as it’s more of a breakfast thing for all the people I know–Being not much of a sweets-for-breakfast person, this sounds lovely as a birthday dessert!

Oh my goodness a wonderful cake – love the photogrpahs of it they really do set it off nicely (as we Brits say!) Congrats on making the year – here is to many more! I have another 5 months to go I think but did not really do much until a few months ago – God I guess I have to think of a bake for it now!

Congratulations! (Belatedly.) That is such a huge accomplishment. I’m 5 months in and it’s so much work (I mean, it’s awesome, don’t get me wrong), and I imagine it takes such intense dedication to reach a year of posting. It’s wonderful! Congratulations!

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