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Blueberry Brownies

frugal living, frugality, thrifty, fruit, baking, cooking

There isn’t a lot one can say about brownies that hasn’t already been said a thousand times before. However, it never harms to reiterate the main characteristics each and every brownie should possess; they ought to be dense, moist, exceedingly rich and jolly unhealthy. If one succeeds in attaining such characteristics, it’s fairly likely that one will have become the creator of a more than adequate brownie. Making frugal brownies is really very simple, you know.

As many of you may already be aware, the frugal brownie wastackled and perfected here some time ago. However, new variations on classic culinary themes are hardly rare and should be encouraged; this particular article is an adaptation ofthe World’s best brownie. Indeed, to account for the addition of a rather hefty portion of fruit, these little brown squares of chocolaty heaven require less refined sugar than was originally called for. Extra chocolate and cocoa have been added to mitigate an anticipated reduction of density and goo.

fruit, frugal living, frugality, cooking, baking

A few posts a go I promised to let you into the “secret” of my lighting equipment. Though the answer will, no doubt, be a little disappointing (there areno slaves holding pillows这个时间),我希望仍然是一个讲信用的人。一个couple of weeks ago I purchased aphotography light reflectorand what a perfect job it does too! An artificial light source will make it into my set up eventually, but for now this board is more than adequate and features silver, gold and white reflectors as well as a light diffuser, all of which allows for the natural warming, cooling and softening of any natural light source. This rather impressive piece of photographic equipment only set me back around £10, allowing me to continue my frugal living.

Blueberry Brownies

Makes 16


• 100g butter

• 50g cocoa powder

• 75g dark chocolate, not less than 70% cocoa solids

• 2 eggs, medium

• A generous pinch of salt

• 175g muscovado sugar

• 50g self-raising flour

• 150g blueberries


1. Preheat the oven to180Cand grease and line a21x21cm baking tin. Melt together the butter and cocoa powder, before adding the chocolate, heat gently until smooth. Whisk together the sugar, salt and eggs until frothy, before whisking the chocolate into the egg mixture.

frugality, frugal cooking, frugal living, thrifty, brownies, baking

2. Fold the flour into the chocolate mixture, before gently adding the blueberries. Tip into the baking tin, spread evenly and pop in the oven to bake for25 minutesand not a moment longer.

frugal, frugal living, cooking, baking, thrifty

3. Leave to cool for10 minutesbefore loosening around the edge and turning out onto a cooling rack. Divide into16 portionsand tuck in just before they are properly cold. Delicious!

frugal living, frugality, thrifty, cooking, baking, vegetarian

Cost:Blueberries are a rather expensive fruit, but if you can find them for a decent price then they are definitely worth purchasing. My punnet, for instance, set me back a mere30p– very frugal. Still, overall these brownies are very thrifty, particularly since many cafes and restaurants regularly charge as much as£3.50per brownie. You’ll be glad to know that this recipe comes in at substantially less at£3.80for the entire confection. With these one’sfrugal lifemay continue unabated.

198 replies on “Blueberry Brownies”

What’s your take on using frozen blueberries in these brownies, if fresh berries aren’t available? If I’m not mistaken, blueberries freeze pretty well (like peas). But I could be mistaken!

I don’t know how you managed to end up with brownies. If I attempt to make these I would have trouble having any blueberries or batter left to put into the pan. The new camera is definately working! It will be blueberry season here soon and I MUST grow some of our own on Serendipity Farm. Cheers for the recipe

D’oh – why didn’t I think to put blueberries into brownies! And thanks for the lighting tip – I’ve been eyeing tents and reflectors (even had a go at making my own) for a while now, but haven’t committed yet. Your photos are very convincing!

I was looking at that first photo and thinking ‘how does Mr Frugal take such good photos? jealousy does not become me, but those blueberries just…. pop. But low and behold, it’s a light reflector? Hmmm. I have a light box, but I still haven’t used it. But I might have to make these… I only have one brownie recipe and it does not have any blueberries in it. A must add I’m thinking.

Sounds NOM! Do you think it would work with frozen blueberries?? Although they do tend to be a bit more juicy than fresh but sometimes they are on bogof so also frugal. I love the combination of fresh, dark cherries and chocolate… Think that could make an awesome brownie. I did try it last year when they were in season but it needs perfecting.

I’m going to have to try these Nick! A couple super foods in the same classic unhealthy dessert – what could be better than THAT? (so tell me, are these as wonderful as they look?)

I’ve tried the deceptively delicious brownie version of adding pureed cooked beets to the batter–which gives the brownie a red velvety appearance. I’m anxious to try your recipe with the blueberry bonus. Have you tried it with thawed frozen berries or do you think fresh works best? I’m glad our blogs “hooked up”–eager to read more. A penny saved–Sarah J>

我从来没有想过把蓝莓和chocolate together but now that I have seen the success, I am a believer. (Your new lighting and props has made a positive influence in your photography- beautiful)

你认为冷冻蓝莓,还是公司ld they be too mushy? They are definitely less expensive and available year-round.

And thanks for the lighting tip. It’s tough to get a good photo at this time of year!

Blueberries in brownies? What a great idea, and one I must try soon. Also interested to hear about your lighting equipment … I find indoor food photography an ongoing challenge. I’m still getting used to my light box, and haven’t perfected its use yet. The backgrounds look stark. If I had my way, I’d photograph every plate of food perched on the railing of my verandah, overlooking the back garden!

Whoa, those look so fabulous and gourmet… definitely about ten steps above chocolate-covered dried blueberries, which is probably the usual instantiation of this combination. Yum!

Thanks Frugal Feeding, I’ve just used this recipe and it works absolute wonders. As scrumptious as the blueberries look in the photos, I took the frugal theme one step further by swapping the berries for 100g raisins and 50g chopped walnuts, and used supermarket own-brand dark chocolate (I’m not sure our taste buds are refined enough to taste the difference!). I’m pleased to report that the menfolk in my home are now now looking sufficiently satiated and full of chocolate! Hannah,

Yum! Blueberries hold a special place in my heart since my maiden name was Bluett (French for blueberry). Do you think that you could substitute frozen blueberries for fresh? Would you leave them frozen & extend the cooking time, or thaw them before adding? I froze a bunch of blueberries this summer when they were in season (& thus very frugal).

Two superfoods in one!!! I will try this today. I even bookmarked this page in case I lose it! Thanks. Glad to have found you and even gladder that you are frugal. There is a balance with spending money and calories.

This is a good idea, my in laws (with whom I live) always overbuy blueberries at the market so I am involved in an ongoing battle to use up what they freeze (what a chore). This is another superb weapon in the fight and hopefully I will be able to make these soon. First up are lime tarts (limes and eggs are our own) and macaroons (to use up the egg whites) but these are going on the list.

I have linked one of these pictures on my pintrest board, hope you dont mind.

AND Thanks for visiting my very first blog post. I am not totally frugal and like to be extravagent sometimes but I am trying to make the best of all the amazing products I am surrounded by in Australia.

Ah, I see you have emancipated your slave ;-P. I’ve made brownies and I’ve made plenty but never tried it with blueberries. I am always afraid that the blueberries get lost into the chocolate and you end up not tasting them at all. Does that happen here? I’m frugal as well and blueberries are pricey here.

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