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Carrot and Coriander Fritters

carrot, coriander, frugal living, thrifty, healthy meals, fritter

Carrot and coriander is a classic culinary combination, but beyondthe realm of soupit is, inexplicably, infrequently visited. The sweetness of a crisp, crunchy carrot, alongside that of ground coriander works almost too well, particularly when a handful of fresh coriander sees fit to join the proceedings. However, these are flavours that can be easily misplaced in the combative milieu of a complex dish; ground coriander simply doesn’t possess the pungency of ground cumin. For this reason, fritters seemed to be the best vehicle for the carrot and coriander flavour, given its delicacy. Besides, since myVirtual Vegan Potluck (VVP) post, for which I was awarded the prize for best soup, rather a lot of you have been clamouring for more frugalvegan recipes.

If ever you’re searching for a natural ingredient with which to bind vegetable based fritters, bhajis or koftas, you need look no further than gram flour. It is made from dried, ground chickpeas and forms a truly delicious wheat and gluten free binding agent. As a result, gram flour suits my style of cooking rather well because it is a very simple, natural and wholesome solution to what can sometimes prove a tricky problem.

Carrot, coriander, fritters, frugal living, healthy meals, thrifty, vegan

The thing that really impressed me about these fritters was just how straightforward they were to make; from start to finish they took perhaps 30 minutes to make and that’s including the preparation Jamie Oliver excludes from his ’30 minute meals’… perhaps I ought to launch my own version. Of course, it’s best for a small fish like me not to be too rude to a big ol’ bass like Mr. Oliver, after all he does cook some cracking food. Let’s just say that it’s best not to get me onto the subject of his ’15 minute meals’, my head (and watch) just might explode.

Carrot and Coriander Fritters

Makes 5-6


• 4 medium carrots, peeled and grated

• ½ red onion, diced

• 3-4 tbsp gram flour

• 2 tsp coriander seed, freshly ground

• A handful of fresh coriander, roughly chopped

• 1 tsp chilli flakes

• 3-4 tbsp sunflower oil, plus extra for frying

• A generous pinch of salt

• A twist of black pepper


1. Mix together all of the ingredients in a large mixing bowl – use your culinary intuition to decide what ration of flour and oil to use. The ingredients should stick together very well, but one should use as little flour as possible.

carrot, onion, frugal living, healthy meals, thrifty

2.在锅里热少许油介质的火焰。Form the carrot and flour mixture into five or six fritters and cook slowly, two at a time. Each batch should take6-8 minutesto cook; they should be golden brown and cooked through. Serve with yoghurt, alone or with pita bread.

Healthy meals, frugal living, thrifty

thrifty, frugal living, healthy meals, vegan, vegetarian

Cost:Vegan food is almost always cost effective – it is simply a fact of life that vegetables cost vastly less than meat. As such, these fritters will set one back a rather frugal60p! Not bad for a filling, healthy meal, ideal as part of a balanced diet.

139 replies on “Carrot and Coriander Fritters”

Oooo…thanks! I’ve been holding on to a recipe for Thai carrot veggie burgers for months, trying to muster up the motivation to tackle the long list of ingredients and steps. This fritter seems to have the same flavour with much less work. 15 minute (+ 15 minute) meals – I love it!

I figure I should get a prize for voting for both you, and Somer ;). I think the prize is these fritters! I love the combination of coriander and carrot and as a long term vego (vegetarian for 22 years and vegan for 15 of those) I never once thought to combine the flavours in anything other than soup. I think you would give Jamie a run for his money…I know that every single recipe you have posted since I started following this blog has been scrumptious, frugal and packed to bursting with flavour. I, personally, would buy “The Frugal Feeding” cookbook and I dare say so would all of your other loyal (gluttonous ) followers. Try it… might lead to a new career path…if good old pugly Gordon Ramsey can abuse his way to the top…why not a frugal maestro from Bristol?

Yum, these look delish, Nick!
My family hates coriander, which is tragedy for me .. but this is something I can make for myself and would be great to pack into a work lunchbox,

危机结束了!谢谢你分享这个可爱的配方… and your photos are beautiful. They showcase these fritters so well. Well done!

You’re welcome – I find that sometimes, no matter how much proofreading I do, I still read what is supposed to be there instead of what I actually wrote. So hopefully, my readers will let me know what that happens!

These look delicious! And I usually have trouble getting excited about carrots, but fresh coriander on the other hand…

Also I would totally watch a 30-minute-meal showdown between you and Jamie Oliver (where both contestants literally only have 30 minutes). I think you could win

The fritters look sooooo delicious! I love coriander!! I have bookmarked this recipe to try soon – maybe this weekend. I’m not familiar with the term gram flour, but it sounds like what we might call chickpea flour and I have that in my fridge!

Nick, your carrot and coriander fritters not only look comfy and delicious; but exquisite too! The addition of chili flakes must give it a flavor edge. Yes, maybe you should launch your own version of an at ease recipe : )

Mmm … yum! Brilliant! I sometimes make bhajis using gram flour and these fritters sound yumtacular! And I’d agree with you – fresh corriander gives a much stronger taste than ground corrinader. Although it has it’s place in curry mixes, even corriander seeds carry more flavour. Going to try these

Great recipe! I love the carrot and cumin combo, but have not made fritters with gram flour before (they are also sold as besan in Indian grocers?). Gram flour will add a lovely nutty aroma.

Thanks for ‘liking’ my blog. I’m just starting out and it’s nice to have visitors!

Oh my goodness. I appreciate you waking me up. In my silly little head I was reading “grahm flour ” in your ingredients, not “gram flour.” I’m going to have to get used to others actually using GF ingredients as well. And fun for me, I wont have to tweak your recipe at all. Happy Day.

The trick about cooking and baking vegan is always finding the right substitutions. I know I love almond flour for baking, but that wouldn’t do it for a lot of recipes. I’ve read about chickpea flour elsewhere and think it’s time to pick some up. Not that I’m vegan, but I am trying to eat less wheat. These would be a great first recipe to try, they turned out so colorful and crispy looking! Excellent!

Look forward to trying these…..wonderful combination! I do a lot of Ayurvedic cooking where coriander is used, but it is rare to see many recipes in westerner cuisine using it as a primary spice, except, as you mentioned, in soups, although cilantro (fresh coriander) is quite popular. I have a beet patty recipe I’ll be posting on my blog soon that is along the same concept as these. Enjoy you blog very much!

这些看起来棒极了!我肯定会尝试这种再保险cipe as I’ve been wanting to make veggie fritters, or what could even be veggie patties… I also wanted to say that I’ve always known chickpea flour as Chana Flour, so that might be another name that people will come across. Thanks

Excellent photos, and I can’t wait to try the recipe. Looking at your photos makes me realize that I need to buy more plates, place mats, etc so I can properly stage my shots. Nicely done!

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