British Healthy Eating Recipes 素食者

Garden Bulgur Wheat Salad

Bulgur Salad

I discovered a recipe a while ago, though I can’t remember from where, for a really simple bulgur wheat salad. The perfect opportunity to make it arose today when I realised I hadn’t soaked my split peas, with which I had intended to make a chana dahl. This dish really is incredibly simple, delicious, healthy and quick. It also contains bulgur wheat which is, at the moment, one of my favourite foods. Bulgur wheat is filling, healthy and very versatile, not to mention the fact it has a much better taste than couscous, its man-made equivalent.

Please don’t attempt to make this dish with dried herbs, it simply won’t work. However, one can use any garden herbs one deems suitable – that is the beauty of this dish. I happened to have fresh chives and coriander in supply, so they got thrown in. The main tip accompanying this dish is not to overpower the almost nutty taste of the wheat, it has a beautiful flavour which is why it is better to use fresh ingredients.

Garden Bulgur Wheat Salad {recipe}

Serves 2


• 200g bulgur wheat

• 100-150g garden peas

• 1-2 cloves of garlic, mashed

• 1 handful of garden herbs, finely chopped

• Juice of 1 lime or lemon

• Seasoning


1. This really couldn’t be more simple. Cook the bulgur wheat, when done rinse it through with cold water until chilled. Mix together with cooked, and cooled, peas, garlic, herbs, lime/lemon juice and season well.


This entire salad, for two, will cost between60pand70pto make. It is thoroughly delicious and incredibly healthy. Enjoy!

17 replies on “Garden Bulgur Wheat Salad”

I’m not a huge fan of peas either, you can’t taste them…I only eat them in things that disguise their flavour a little :D. But a substitute… umm perhaps cubed red or green peppers? or de-seeded and chopped tomatoes.

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