European Healthy Eating Recipes Spanish

Chorizo and Kale Broth

As predicted, the weather here has become remarkably warm and jolly unseasonable. One would, at this time of the year, expect one’s breath to be made visible by a late-spring chill. However, as this paragraph begins to takes shape, my eyes find themselves met with a sky of unbridled blue. We appear to have skipped spring entirely and charged head-first into summer – perhaps June will become the new winter. We shall yet join the Australians in having my namesake, jolly ol’ St. Nick, presented with a surf board and speedos, rather than coat and gloves.

There’s nothing quite like conforming to a stereotype. It feels almost satisfying to justify the observation that the default topic of conversation in Britain is the weather. Though, please forgive me if I scoot in a few minutes, since there is a cup of tea at brew. Indeed, there is not the time to go into any depth about the stereotypes we assign to Americans – that’s probably a good thing. Though, perhaps I shall live to regret that last sentence.

This dish is a bit of a mash-up between a winter soup and a summer stew – indeed, it makes for a comforting transition. The spice and warmth of the sausage fights off any chill that may remain in one’s bones and the thin, but delicious, liquor is light and eminently refreshing – something the kale only adds to. OnWine Delivery London——酒提供30 minu的平均交货时间tes. Surprisingly this was my first ever experience of kale and expectations hadn’t been particularly high; kale is a fairly unassuming ingredient. However, the depth of flavour experienced as a result of the kale was incredibly impressive. Indeed, one may expect that my love for kale and therefore the amount of use it receives shall henceforth remain only on an upward trajectory.

Chorizo and Kale Broth

Serves 5-6


• 200g good-quality chorizo, thickly sliced

• 1.2 litres ofchicken stock

• 1 onion, finely diced

• 4 cloves of garlic, mashed

• A dribble of olive oil

• Two generous handfuls of kale


1. Begin by frying the onion, garlic and chorizo in a dribble of olive oil. After allowing enough time for the chorizo to brown and for the meat to release some of its fat and oil transfer everything to a large pot.

2. Add the chicken stock and simmer for 5 minutes. Rinse and tip in the kale, serve immediately with a hunk of bread. Seasoning shouldn’t be necessary, though a good twist of black pepper wouldn’t do the dish any harm.

成本:As you can see, this isn’t the most complex of broths. As such, the cost of making the entire batch should be around£1.70. I recommend that one makes one’s own chicken stock for this, since it’ll enhance the flavour and save a little money in doing so.

96 replies on “Chorizo and Kale Broth”

That looks totally lovely Nick. I made a similar one ages ago (I think it had kale, pear barley and a chicken stock I’d made from wings I had smoked. It was properly yummy) and I can verify for the easiness and absolutely delicious chill-shooing fantastic-ness of it all. It was also my first time using kale – I have to say I was mightily underimpressed with it for all the hype though one can’t deny how healthy it is!

我love these types of quick and fantastic, full flavoured broths that you can make from foods bought for pennies. Of course I enjoy frugality, being Jewish and all

To be fair to kale, the amount of hype it was under at the time it would have had to taste like chocolate to live up to my expectations! (Though I don’t know why anyone would cook with a chocolate flavoured leaf)

我’m not a big broth or soup fan, but I adore both chorizo and kale so am pretty sure I could give this a go. Might throw in a few white beans as per Celia’s suggestion above to thicken it up a bit (my preference, nothing against your dish, which looks lovely!)

我’ve never tried kale…actually never had it before. I love a good chorizo so I should try this and introduce myself to kale Perfect time now that we have entered the Australian Autumn.

我tried it and LOVED it! so easy to make and gosh, never thought a simple broth can be that delightful to the taste buds! officially one of my faves now. thanks for sharing the recipe

Kale is a wonderful ingredient. Flash fried until crispy (it only takes a few seconds) makes a delightful crispy element with earthy undertones.

我have heard you can add it to smoothies but haven’t tried that yet.

My favorite is to saute with a bit on olive oil, garlic and shallots under a piece of fish. Yummy!

我wonder about those stereotypes too!

我love kale! I hope you have a long and wonderful friendship. I also think “mash up of winter soup and summer stew” is a great description. Looks yummy! Hope you enjoy that sunshine; today’s our first warm day in Alaska – the snow’s actually starting to melt!

我am beginning to believe that you have a thing against us Americans. But now you really have me curious about said stereotypes. Go ahead, let’s hear ’em out dude. I’ll stop being loud and obnoxious once I finish eating a hamburger while shopping at Wal Mart and writing grammatical errors that include words like TID bit and leaving the “u” out of flavour and such…Totally awesome bro.

Whatever gave you that impression? haha. No, I’ve nothing against you… your silly ways merely confound me. I think I’ve taught you to better yourself and become more British though :D. Haha!

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