British Healthy Eating Recipes Spring

Asparagus and Garden Pea Frittata

One of the main advantages that accompany a cast-iron pan is its innate ability to be tossed willy-nilly into an oven without incurring considerable damage. Without such an implement one has to, when making a frittata or something similar, go through an occasionally embarrassing egg-flipping process. As such, it is clear that once one has received such a useful gift one is obliged to put it through its frittata-making paces. This must seem like incredibly old, and thus ironic, news to the skillet veterans out there. However, for a novice, such as me, it is proving emotionally difficult to come to terms with how rapidly such an item can become entirely indispensable.

Asparagus isn’t the most frugal of vegetables, one must admit. However, it being the season for this singular stem, it appears to be the ideal time at which to impart ideas for its use. Asparagus has a reasonably distinctive flavour, which means that one may use it sparingly. Therefore, this attribute has the rather pleasing effect of reducing the impact asparagus has on one’s wallet – unless, of course, one is in particular need of being overwhelmed by expensive, green shoots. The roots of this dish definitely lie in the definition of frugal as economic, rather than cheap. Though, the addition of the peas serves as an inexpensive backup to the asparagus. If one really wanted to make this dish cheap, and not merely frugal, one could replace the asparagus with some kind of long, thin bean.

Asparagus and Garden Pea Frittata

Serves 4


• 6-7 shoots of asparagus, hard bottoms cut off

• 4 large eggs

• A handful of parmesan cheese

• 1 onion, thinly sliced

• A little olive oil

• A handful of garden peas

• Salt and Pepper


1. First, one will need to sauté the asparagus on a fairly hot heat for 4-5 minutes, until they begin to become tender. Once this has been done, set them aside, add a little more oil and fry the onions until they begin to brown.

2. Whisk the eggs thoroughly, mixing in half the parmesan cheese and a little salt and pepper. Pour this on top of the cooked onions, ensuring the pan is very hot. Make sure that the egg reaches every crevice. Scatter a handful of peas on the top, place the asparagus as depicted, add the rest of the parmesan and grill until golden brown. Best served with a side salad.

Cost:Due to the relatively small amount of asparagus used, as well as the inclusion of peas, this dish isn’t as expensive as it sounds. Indeed, the entire frittata should set one back no more than £2.40. Though, it did cost us even less since we keep chickens.

105 replies on “Asparagus and Garden Pea Frittata”

Beautiful – I think Le Creuset should pay you commission and give you a complete set as we are all wanting to buy skillets now! We use wild asparagus here quite often…a very different taste (bitter) but entirely Frugal. Well, free!

Love asparagus! Some of my plants are finally starting to produce, which makes me very happy. Whenever it is in season, I buy loads of it and find that it freezes rather well.

That sweet little frittata is screaming SPRING! Why have I never thought to put the asparagus in my frittata and quiche whole? It looks so pretty. And it’s a lot easier than cutting it up. I’m certain it tasted even better than it looked. Cheers!

Well, I’m so glad you threw caution to the wind and went after flavor instead of budget today. I think it’s good to reward oneself after several days (weeks, months) of frugality.. frugalness.. frugition.. (yes.. a bit of wine tonight, but only one, I promise!) I had frittata tonight as well, but not one as pretty as yours.. eggs.. asparagus..and garden peas (you’re sooo lucky) it’s just the perfect dish, I think! Just lovely!!

A work of art. I’ll be chuffed if my eventual attempt turns out even half as pretty as this. My last (and first) attempt at cooking a frittata resulted in an entity that resembled what could only be described as brain, thus there is much scope for improvement!

YUM! I’ve said it before, but I am getting a cast iron pan! Got to! Made my first fritatta last weekend and it was so amazing – but I need the right pan – thank you for the inspiration!

Oh, yum! this looks good. I adore asparagus and eggs and this easy recipe sounds great. I make frittatas all the time with left-over vegetables, but admittedly have never devoted only asparagus to one. Normally it’s a ‘I’m-hungry-and-the-veggie-bin-needs-cleaning-out’ venture. Great photos! The wood table is a wonderful background.

This year I’m planting asparagus in my garden. I won’t get any spears this year, but since it’s a perennial I should have many in my future. Perhaps that is one way to make asparagus more frugal?

delicious! what a mouth-watering combination. I also love the convenience of being able to slide the cast-iron skillet right into the oven….

I want to grow asparagus so badly! It’s such a great spring treat. I just need to stay in one place long enough to make it worth getting a perennial plant….

Looks great! I am going to try this. Eggs are definitely inexpensive. I am glad you like your cast iron pan. I kinda smiled when I read this; cause, I can smell my corn bread cooking in my ‘hand me down’ cast iron skillet my mom gave me. Not only is it sentimental but so useful. I love it.

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