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Wheat, Rye and Linseed (Flax) Bread

Baking bread is one of those inimitable acts of kitchen purity that appears to impress a great deal everyone one should stumble upon. Thankfully, once one has achieved the knack for bread baking it isn’t at all difficult, barring the odd catastrophic mistake. Indeed, this recipe is born out of one such mistake, an error which left me with what can only be described as a weapon of seed infested dread. Well, either that or an incredibly dense bird feeder. Anyway, following on from that mistake it seemed appropriate to give the idea one more chance. So, the original and inestimably mistaken recipe found itself consigned wholeheartedly to the rubbish dump, never to see the light of day again. This time I would go it alone and use only my bread making instinct to make a delicious loaf. Thankfully, my efforts were rewarded with the boule you see before you.

White bread is all well and good; it yields the best crumb. However, it only very rarely achieves the feat of being as interesting as a loaf which contains another flour, such as wholemeal or rye. As such, it was deemed best to in some way combine the two along with the interesting grain afforded by the seeds. Indeed, despite the relatively small amount of linseed on offer in this bread, their golden colour and delicious taste shines through wonderfully.

As you shall see from the cost found below the recipe, everyone should be making their own bread. Besides, bread of this simplicity and quality is only rarely found in the supermarket. One solution to this problem would be to venture into the proud den of an artisan baker, in order to acquire such a loaf. However, purchasing bread from such places tends to have more in common with being stolen from or extorted, than it does grocery shopping. Oh well, one must suppose that they are performing an admirable service; their bread isn’t full of the excrement found in that which is mass produced.

Wheat, Rye and Linseed (Flax) Bread

Makes 1 loaf


• 450g strong white bread flour

• 50g rye flour

• 1 tbsp of linseeds (flax), be generous

• 7g sachet of fast action dried yeast

• A glug of olive oil

• A generous pinch of salt

• 300ml warm water


1. Place the yeast in a bowl along with a splash of warm water, set aside. Put the flours, seeds and salt into a bowl and mix thoroughly. Tip in the yeast after it has been left standing for 5 minutes, the oil and ¾ of the water. Bring the ingredients together, it should be sticky and malleable, but not wet; the remaining water may be needed. Knead the dough on a floury surface for 10 minutes, shape and place on a floured baking tray. Leave it to rise under a tea towel and in a warm place for1-1 ½hours.

2. Preheat the oven to230 c.狭缝的面团,烤30 -上升40 minutes, until the underneath sounds hollow when tapped. Leave it to cool on a wire rack for at least an hour.

Cost:This entire loaf should set one back no more than60p.That’s an absolute bargain, especially when you consider the fact that a dedicated bakery would charge upwards of£3for something similar. Even then it may not taste as good.

61 replies on “Wheat, Rye and Linseed (Flax) Bread”

I love love love baking bread – it is so satisfying to see a beautiful loaf emerge from the oven and to know that you made something so delicious out of flour and water, essentially – and equally satisfying to know that it only cost pennies!

This makes me terribly excited about heading to baking school next year – I’m doing a bread-based program. There is nothing – nothing – like the smell of freshly baked bread. And this here bread looks like a winner…

I’m quite happy to have artisan bakeries for the days when I am not up to baking bread in my own kitchen and for products, such as well-structured sourdough baguettes that I have not mastered at home yet. Home-baked bread is wonderful — I have probably never let it cool for a full hour though, except for the second loaf of two.

looks delicious! i have felt like making a loaf of bread for the last week, though I have been told that it isn’t the best idea to make bread when it is muggy outside because it does not rise as well. Not sure if that is just a tale though. Think I may make a loaf this afternoon

otownmommy, I live in Missouri, and it is always humid here, except for the dead of winter. My bread rises fine no matter what the humidity and if it is warm and muggy, it rises all the better from the warm temps! Hope you baked your bread anyway, despite the weather!

Aaahh… I can smell the yeasty fragrance! There really isn’t anything quite like creating a loaf of grainy goodness. I will try this with 75% whole wheat flour to fit my diet. Will report back. Cheers!

This is my favorite sort of bread.. the seeds and nutty color.. I’ll just bet it’s fantastic all by itself or smeared with bread just out of the oven. It’s raining today… this would be the perfect loaf to bake:)

I just found your blog and absolutely love it! Iam a big fan of homemade breads, especially rye, spelt and kamut. it looks delicious!

Beautiful loaf! Freshly baked bread has got to be one of the best culinary experiences, which so many people seem to miss out on. Not only smelling and eating it, but the very act of creating it can be so rewarding!

I just learnt of your blog from your guest post at Fork and Beans – Cara has never steered me wrong. Your writing is fabulous and I’m loving all the recipes I’ve seen so far. I look forward to reading more!

I never dod tell you how incredible this bread looks Nick…I am just starting with my own breads and making peace with yeast. It’s a battle, but I think I am winning

I’m with you on the cost of bread – I always get really annoyed paying $4-6 (yes, that truly is the cost of a fancier load of bread with seeds at the supermarket in Australia) when I know how cheaply I could make it!.Nice work going recipe free too!

Great loaf Frugal! I make all of our bread every week and use a sour culture I manage to keep alive. I couldn’t go back to buying bread knowing how much they charge for a single loaf. Besides, homemade bread is delicious.
Love all the seeds!

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