bob平台 Brownies 芝士蛋糕 Chocolate Desserts Recipes Vegetarian

芝士蛋糕Swirled Chocolate Brownies

chocolate, cheesecake, brownies, frugal, frugality, thrifty, frugal living

Having exhausted both desirable avenues of brownie baking, viz. anaverage brownieandgluten-free brownies, it seemed a good idea to combine two of my favourite desserts into one delicious amalgam. There are various methods by which one may achieve a cheesecake brownie, but this seems to be the best. I personally prefer making my own cheese usingthe cheesemaker homemade cheese press kitas I like my cheese to be unprocessed, but you can choose the cheese you want to use as per your liking. For instance, some recipes call for a layer of cheesecake to be spread between two layers of brownie, in the same way as a sandwich is made. However, although this ensures that every bite contains an equal amount of cheesecake mixture, the flavour doesn’t achieve uniformity in any way at all, something which I desire in a cheesecake brownie. The other benefit of following this particular method is that one easily achieves a certain aesthetic pleasantness.

The ideal brownie has been discussed in a previous post, but we ought really to re-cap. The perfect brownie must be, at once, delicious, moist and dense and I can happily report that these achieve all three to an extremely pleasing degree. Out of the three brownie recipes I have now posted, I think these must be my favourite. One wonders whether they would benefit from a buttery biscuit base…

芝士蛋糕Swirled Brownies

Makes 10-16


• 100g salted butter

• 40g cocoa powder, as dark as possible

• 50g dark chocolate

• 2 medium eggs

• 225g light muscovado sugar

• 50g self-raising flour

• 200g cream cheese

• 1 egg yolk


1. Pre-heat the oven to 180C and grease a suitable baking tray. Melt the butter gently in a pan on the stove, to this whisk in the cocoa powder. Once added, combine this with the chocolate in small chunks until it has all melted together. In a mixing bowl, while the chocolate is melting, whisk together the eggs and sugar using a hand mixer.

chocolate, frugal living, frugality, thrifty, frugal, brownies

2. Add the egg mixture to the chocolate in the saucepan and mix thoroughly. Gently fold in the flour and pour the brownie batter into the lined baking tray.

chocolate, brownies, frugal, frugal living, thrifty, frugality, frugal living

3. Beat together the cream cheese and egg yolk. Dot this mixture around the brownie mixture and swirl in with a thin knife. Bake for 25 minutes and not a moment longer, they need to have a hard shell on the outside and be very gooey on the inside.

chocolate, frugality, frugal living, thrifty, brownies, cheesecake

chocolate, frugal living, frugality, thrifty, brownies

4. Leave the brownies to cool a little before turning them out. Pop them in the freezer for a little while before chopping.

frugal living, frugality, thrifty, cheesecake, brownie

brownie, chocolate, frugal living, frugality, thrifty

Cost:This particular batch of brownies set me back a very reasonable£2.30. Since this makes10-16brownies I’d say it is a very good deal, since brownies have been known to set one back an outrageous amount.

135 replies on “Cheesecake Swirled Chocolate Brownies”

you do not know my husband the most picky eater I have even known… seriously… so if I find a recipe and he says : “yeah, that might work. lets try it”, it makes me happy
the thing is I do not have the kitchen scale so I won’t be able to try your recipe for a while…

Yeah, that’s the problem. When I first came to US I really didn’t like the whole cups and tablespoons measurements and I really wanted to get a scale, but time flew by and I’ve gotten used to American way of measuring and I haven’t bought a scale… But I’m planning
Till then I am going to try to re-make your recipe to work with cups and tablespoons
I have done that before and those recipes worked great. thanks

These brownies look, as usual for your posts, absolutely beautiful and the combination of rich chocolate brownie and baked cheesecake swirled together sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing the wonderful recipe

I was just thinking it was time for dessert and look what you are serving us! This looks absolutely wonderful my fine english friend!! What a gorgeous creation to look upon…YUM!

I agree with all of it – the three things a brownie must have, the method for swirling the cheesecake, the balance of asthetitics and taste – these sound amazing!

The last time I tried to make this was in the UK and it was a disaster. I think the reason was that the only cream cheese I could find at the time was the “spreadable” version from the corner shop! I’m not sure if that was the problem; maybe it was just me– did occasionally have trouble using US recipes in the UK but I guess I can’t blame it on the UK this time I did have a terrible time finding unsweetened chocolate though. I assume your chocolate and cocoa powder are sweetened?

Oh no! This stuff was spreadable… isn’t it all spreadable? did you add the egg? That helps it set and work better. I don’t know, they were plain – which usually means bitter. they didn’t taste particularly sweet. The powder certainly isn’t.

OK, again, must have just been me. I remember never being able to find unsweetened though (I checked the ingredients) but perhaps I was just at shops that were too small. It is all spreadable but the stuff in a tub I think is “whipped” or something to make it more spreadable (kind of like “spreadable butter” maybe)? My sister makes them a lot and they come out well….ah well, it happens. Thanks for rekindling the idea!

I’m experiencing lusty brownie palpitations! I’ll have to have words with my gluten/dairy intolerance and call some kind of temporary ceasefire…

I really like the sound (and look) of these brownies.
I’m going to have a go at making a vegan version for afternoon tea today. I will keep you posted on how they turn out. Thanks for the inspiration.

Yay! A success. The children loved this. My husband literally groaned as he ate his slice last night.
I will definitely make this again. Thank you.

oh wow these look so delicious! I think brownies (and chocolate chip muffins) are my weakness when it comes to sweets. I’ve never seen a mix between cheesecake and brownie before but it definitely makes a lot of sense

Oh my oh my, I’m salivating whilst simultaneously wondering what cocoa powder you use. I’ve not had much luck with bourneville or G&B but will try the latter again with this recipe.
My oh my!

Mm, they look so amazing/yummy/delicious….I’m running out of different ways to express my appreciation of your recipes. Cheesecake and brownies in a combination sound scrumptious!

Are they very sweet? I have a sweet tooth but tend to cut down on sugar content in any sweet recipe that I make.

Good luck I’m not going to lie, it was pretty hard going! But after the first ten minutes I started getting into it and I started to enjoy it. You really feel like you’ve had a great workout. Take a sweat towel and plenty of water! I’m going again on Monday night so it can’t be that bad

[…] Since I am in a very delicate moment of a lady’s period I decided to please myself with some sweet things. I followed the recipe by gramme and it turned out amazing, apart of one thing that may be I used a wrong baking flour and the cake didn’t grow, but it didn’t influence its delicious taste. You can find the recipe here, I called it browneesecake. […]

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