Healthy Eating Italian Recipes Spring Summer

Leek and Pea Risotto

Leek and Pea Risotto Recipe

You know, for someone who has never been a massive fan of the garden pea, I’m writing an awful lot of recipes that include them. One doesn’t usually ever come to terms with a pulse that was once forced upon you by a primary school dinner lady.

Nightmares were had; you can be assured of that. Indeed, they still aren’t particularly loved in this, very specific, corner of Wales – they taste a little too green for my liking – but it seems to me that their positive traits far outweigh their negative.

For instance, peas may be in possession of a rather suspicious green taste, but they are also ridiculously cheap and healthy. In my eyes, this paragraph is testament to just how good my pea and mint soup was – its taste was incredible, yet its main constituent was the humble garden pea.

One gets the impression that peas get along rather well with any other green ingredient, assuming that it’s edible in the first place. We have explored the pea and mint combination rather thoroughly already, so pea and leek seemed like a good pairing.

Indeed, my assumption was correct and they worked together particularly well, with the pea, as usual, providing the freshness at the end of the mouthful. Other than that, there isn’t much else to say regarding this risotto – it’s extremely simple, yet incredibly effective.

The Leftovers:

Why not try making any leftover risotto intoarancini? These delicious balls of risotto are covered in breadcrumbs and either baked or fried. One may also envelope a chunk of cheese in their centres for that extra burst of flavour.

Leek and Pea Risotto

Serves 2


• 200g arborio rice

• 1 leek, finely chopped

• 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped

• A little olive oil

• A hearty glug of white wine

• 500ml chicken or vegetable stock

• A large handful of garden peas, frozen are fine

• A small knob of butter

• A large handful of parmesan cheese, grated


1. Begin by frying the leek and garlic together in a little olive oil. Once the leek is translucent add the rice and stir until it has been coated with oil. At this point add the wine and cook until it has been absorbed. Repeat this process with the vegetable stock.

How to Make Leek and Pea Risotto

2. Once the rice has become soft, but retains a little bite, add the peas and cook for a few minutes longer. Stir in the butter and parmesan and remove from the heat. Pop a lid on and allow it to stand for2-3 minutesthis is the most critical part of the risotto making process. Serve immediately.

Leek Risotto Recipe

Cost:I was pleasantly surprised to discover that my supermarket has started doing their own range of arborio rice – this makes it a lot cheaper. As such, this dish should set one back around£1.80. However, why not try doubling up on this recipe in order to make arancini for a simple meal the next day?

87 replies on “Leek and Pea Risotto”

I go through phases of loving and hating peas myself but if they are cooked well, and not boiled to death, they can be pretty awesome. This dish reminds me of the risotto verde I made once, it sounds perfect for when we actually have a summer to enjoy!

Risotto is one of my favourite meals – the cooking and the eating! I always like to have a glass of wine in one hand while I stir with the other, it always helps I love your pictures, stunning!

You’re killing me with all your delicious food! I LOVE risotto! And I adore leeks and peas. This looks delicious and it will definitely be on my menu soon as I haven’t prepared a risotto in a while. My family will be thanking you.

Huge fan of risotto over here. It’s my pressure cooker go-to recipe. Also a big fan of peas so I’m thinking I *may* need to stop following your blog or something – not like peas!? Say it isn’t so! Glad you’re finding ways to enjoy them! This combo sounds delicious.

I couldn’t face cooking it in a pressure cooker – for me it has to be stood over for half an hour since it’s got such a delicate texture. Please don’t stop following my blog though

Lovely risotto! I’ve not much explored the possibility of peas… I don’t dislike them at all, I just never took a moment to consider them. They sound wonderful, here!

Love risotto, both the making and the eating, as someone has already mentioned. Use leeks in absolutely everything. Peas – thumbs DOWN most of the time, but willing to try in this – thanks for another ‘to do’ idea !

I must also confess to not having much affection for the garden pea myself until last year but because it’s one of the only vegetables my other half will eat I’ve learned to love them.
Your photography is improving in leaps and bounds since you got your new camera – it seems to be inspiring your creativity in shot, prop and food styling!

This recipe looks great! I can’t wait to give it a go. I will often put peas in my risotto but hadn’t considered leek (which I love). I love the little burst the peas give to the mouthful of rice. The arancini balls are also a great idea. I’d never thought of making them out of my left over risotto.

一个可爱的夏天什么餐;颜色是particularly fresh. I used to love eating risotto out, until one day we were at a conference in Florida (Seminole Resort) and I was working out on the elliptical watching their closed circuit TV, it was their head chef making risotto. It looked like he was making enough for about four people, and I kid you not, he added about a pound of butter. Seriously sickening! I haven’t ordered it since. Trying to keep down the carbs, we usually make barley risotto, or quinoa risotto, both equally delicious.
I like that you only added a knob, just enough for flavour!

I have both leeks and peas growing in the garden, in my opinion there is nothing better than sweet peas directly from the vine – amazing! I love the idea of leeks and peas together- nicely done!

This is perfect! I’ve had a bag of arborio rice sitting in my cupboard for ages and have been looking for new recipes to try. I myself am quite a fan of green peas – I almost always have some on hand (mind you, they are of the frozen variety…)

I love peas (and in fact most things green) so I need no persuading on this combination. Risotto’s quite near the top of the list of foods that comfort. So only a matter of time before this finds a place at our table. (I like ours too with peas and mushrooms, and with some mushroom stock along with wine.)

Our peas are all gone for the season which is so sad because I would love to make this right now! Looks wonderful, Nick. No primary school lunch lady anywhere to be seen!

On an unrelated note, your blog is not showing up in my reader anymore! This is very upsetting. I might try unsubscribing and resubscribing. That worked with another blog…

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