Healthy Eating Recipes

Tangy Chicken with Sweet Potato Chips

Tangy Chicken

So I’m about to start my last week of university life andD-Dayis tomorrow, that is,Dissertation-Day. That’s right, I find out the mark of what is by far the largest most important piece of work of my undergraduate “career”. Scary times indeed – wish me luck. I’m fairly confident though, but still rather nervous. However, that’s enough crying for sympathy – on to food.

Usually at the “business end” of a term we tend to just eat up all the food in our cupboards. This is a nice idea, and pretty helpful, but it does mean that one tends to eat a lot of pasta with tomato sauce, which can get a little boring. However, this year, largely because of this blog, we have decided to eat nice food up until the very bitter end. This makes me very happy indeed, and means I can continue to bring you delicious blogs.

I thought the end of university might bring difficulties for this blog. Indeed, because I’m intending to go and live at my parents’ for a while eating cheaply will no longer become a necessity. However, I’ve decided that eating more expensive food, following my time at university, would only serve to undermine not only this blog, but my beliefs – if that’s what they can be called. So I’ve decided to preserve this blog, and continue until every curry and pasta dish under the sun has been featured here.

This is perhaps, and I think you’ll agree, the most anal presentation of a dish on this blog, thus far. Still, it does look rather appealing, and I wasn’t quite sure about how to present it otherwise. One can’t have one’s chicken looking messy – it just wouldn’t do. Speaking of appealing, this dish is as tasty as it is good looking. The chicken has a real kick, yet you can also taste every constituent flavour individually. Cooked lime juice is especially delicious, and really is the ingredient that provides the tang. Enjoy!

Tangy Chicken with Sweet Potato Chips {recipe}

Serves 2


• 200g chicken breast, cubed

• 1 large green chilli, with seeds

• ¾ tsp ground cumin

• 1 clove of garlic

• 1 lime, the juice thereof

• 1 large sweet potato, “chipped”

• Oil

• Seasoning

• 1 tomato, finely chopped

• Small amount of fresh coriander, chopped


1. Marinade the chicken together with the lime, garlic, chilli and cumin for at least an hour. Then place it onto bamboo skewers ready for cooking.

2. Pre-heat the oven to 200C. Peel and “chip” the sweet potato, before covering it in salt, pepper and oil. Be careful not to use too much oil, it doesn’t want drenching. Pop in the oven, they should take roughly 30 minutes – cook until soft in the middle.

3. 10 minutes before the sweet potato chips are ready begin to grill the chicken on a fairly high heat. This should take 10-15 minutes in total, don’t forget to turn the meat during this process.

4. While everything is finishing off make the tomato relish. To do this simply mix together the tomato and coriander. It doesn’t really need anything else. Serve everything as shown, or, indeed, differently. You may wish to have some natural yoghurt present.

Cost:This meal should cost roughly£1.30per portion, not too bad really. If one wanted to bulk it out cheaply, one could also have a wrap with it, and perhaps some lettuce.

7 replies on “Tangy Chicken with Sweet Potato Chips”

Good grief man! I am away from my computer for a couple of days and aside from amassing 364 unread rss feed reader blog posts I get 4 Frugal Feeding “must read” posts! I really REALLY think you need to write that cookbook! You are even taking “cookbook” shots now…I feel it evolving. I won’t be eating that chook any day soon but Steve might as its bbq weather all round here in Tasmania Oh yeh…good luck on the university stuff…as always, it’s more about the processes that get your assessments handed in than the incredible content. We, too are penniless student hippies (well…I don’t think you are a hippy ) that have learned the benefit of eating what is in the cupboard frugally. Bon chance with the studies sir and with the coming season of no studies and degustory experimentation

This is an old post – i’m a long way out of university now :D. To be honest, those shots weren’t that good – but thanks anyway! You must check the dates! Haha. I remember that being a VERY tasty dish indeed!

Pfffft! Dates? Actually working to read a post?!!!! I thought that we blog readers were supposed to be spoon fed? ;). At least that stops me from making more misguided comments on your last 2 posts Glad to see you progressed past university…we still have to get there via an arts diploma, a landscape design diploma and Steve getting his Aussie citizenship so that we can both head off to government funded university study. After that we are officially allowed to take over the world because we will so damned amazing

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