Asian Healthy Eating Recipes Thai Vegan Vegetarian

Sweet Chilli Chickpeas

有一件事really does lead to another in this world of bloggery. A few tit-bits seem to lead to the inevitable deluge of information. However, one might well suppose that it is always best to leave one’s readers wanting more – you shan’t get too much out of me, avid followers. If you wish to know more about what instrument I play you may visit the ‘about me’ section – sleuths you lot are not. In reply to the other questions asked: I am spending time with my girlfriend, Katherine, next week and; if I could be any superhero I would be Desperate Dan, since he gets to eat all the pie. As you can see, I intend not to wash away any carefully formed imaginations about myself quite yet – intrigue is rather underrated. More tit-bits will follow, but you shall be forced to practice restraint.

European Recipes

Slow-Cooked Beef Stroganoff

As you may, or may not, know, slow cooked beef is one of my favourite foods. Indeed, this is my second such recipe of the year, the first being a rather exquisite beef bourguignon. Beef, prepared in this way, has become a regular fixture on my eating calendar for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I have taken the decision to stop eating meat flippantly. Meat is expensive, nowhere near as sustainable as vegetables or pulses and unhealthy if eaten too often. Indeed, the world could do with each and every meat eater indulging in a little less animal. Secondly, when I do decide to give in to my carnivorous tendencies, the best cure for an absence of meat is a rich, deep and delicious beef stew. I don’t mean to preach, this isn’t the Vegetable Church.

bob平台 Bread Healthy Eating Recipes Vegetarian

Rye and Spring Onion Bread

Following my rather successful recipe forPumpkin and Sage Bread, I thought I’d bring you another bread recipe from Gail Duff’s Vegetarian Cookbook. Is there, in all honesty, anything quite as good as baking bread in one’s own home? Indeed, I urge you to forget the mass produced bread which is sold at a premium in supermarket and instead to begin baking your own bread when possible. The taste of a home-baked loaf is very difficult to replicate and the smell emanating from the oven will fragrance your house wonderfully.

bob平台 British Cake Desserts Recipes Vegetarian

Apple and Walnut Cake with Black Treacle Icing

First off, let me dispel any bewilderment experienced on behalf of my North American readers when I use the words ‘black treacle’. The equivalent in your part of the world ismolasses. The last recipe I posted that contained this dark treat caused such confusion that I had to attach a note to the bottom of the post detailing an equivalent.

Healthy Eating Recipes Winter

Roasted Celebration Squash, Sweet Potato and Spicy Sausage

上周我买了一个南瓜还有几个红薯es with the intention of roasting them for dinner one day in mind. However, it seemed to me as though this alone couldn’t be counted as a complete plate of food. So, when I saw the picture of roasted squash and sausages sitting atop the recipes topic on WordPress, my mind was made up. This is such a quintessentially autumnal dish; the squash is certainly only available at this time of the year, while the sweet potato is more readily available. Not only this, but it is also incredibly satisfying to eat, with the heat provided by the sausages cutting across the sweetness of the squash and sweet potato.