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Chocolate and Banana Loaf Cake

Banana and Chocolate Bread

我回来了从我girlf逗留的房子riend laden with frugal recipes cheap enough to make one’s mind boggle. Seriously, this is the only place where describing something as ‘cheap’ would go down well, and I like that. I really have been a busy-bee for the past few days – I’ve been walking, cycling, cooking and snaffling free plums from trees overhanging their owner’s garden walls. As a result you can expect recipes for plum chutney and plum muffins to appear over the coming days – they are seriously good.

这道菜是一个很好的方法来使用那些old bananas hanging around the kitchen that aren’t particularly good to eat any longer. In fact the browner the bananas used in this recipe the better, if they are green it won’t work quite as well – but don’t let that stop you by any means. The other ingredient which really makes this recipe perfect is a good quality dark chocolate – that is, 70% cocoa or above. Using a chocolate below this quality or a milk chocolate wouldn’t spoil this recipe; however the darkness of the chocolate really needs to counteract the sweetness of the sugar and bananas. I also find dark chocolate to be harder to melt than milk chocolate, therefore it will hold together better during the cooking process so one really gets the taste and texture of the chocolate.

This cake did prove really popular – it disappeared in only a couple of days with only a small handful of people eating it. I don’t know why banana cake is so universally loved, perhaps it is the fact it is slightly more healthy and filling than a standard sponge, or perhaps it is the more pleasing and moist texture fostered by the inclusion of banana. Whatever it is, this cake is seriously good – you’d be a fool not to try it! Not that those of you who don’t are fools.

Chocolate and Banana Loaf Cake {recipe}

Makes 1 2lb loaf tin cake


• 230g/8oz self-raising flour

• 115g/4oz butter or spread

• 170g/6oz caster sugar, granulated would do

• 2 eggs

• 3 ripe bananas, the more ripe the better

• 100g dark chocolate, 70% cocoa or above, cut up into small chunks


1. Pre-heat the oven to 180C and grease a standard size 2lb loaf tin.

2. Mash together the bananas in a bowl. In a separate vessel cream together the sugar and the butter like one would with a normal sponge cake, then crack in the eggs mixing them in one by one. Mix the bananas into the batter before combining with the flour and chocolate.

3. Spoon this into the loaf tin and cook for 40 minutes, before turning the oven down to 150C and cooking for a further 30 minutes.

Cost:This entire cake should cost around£2to produce. I think this is a real bargain considering its quality and popularity. Really one to try at home!

35 replies on “Chocolate and Banana Loaf Cake”

你的蛋糕——尽管我们可能会称之为“bread’ – is fantastic! I made it this afternoon! Since I didn’t have bananas had to change it up a bit so I used blueberries. The bits of dark chocolate throughout give it a one of a kind taste! Thank you for a lovely recipe! Would you mind if I used it on my blog sometimes – with a link to yours so everyone can see the original? I can’t wait for my daughter to try this – she loves chocolate almost as much as I do!

Chocolate & banana loaf is one of my all-time favourites. I always buy too many bananas precisely so I can have browning leftovers for cakes and muffins. This version looks lovely, moist and delicious.

ps have you ever tried it spread with butter? Ridiculously decadent but kind of delicious…

[…] Note by Phyllis Brown: This is a great recipe by Frugal Feeding – it was posted yesterday and by evening I had made this fantastic loaf! And it’s just as good as it looks! The chocolate is soft and warm – when eaten shortly out from the oven! And the fresh blueberries are delightful! The original recipe calls for bananas, but since I had none I substituted blueberries – I will have to make it again in the original version. Visit Frugal Feeding for Chocolate and Banana Loaf Cake. […]

Wow, you have been baking away over here! This one is so simple, but looks like my next breakfast treat. We did the apple shaped pears in buckwheat pancakes this morning, and they did not disappoint!

I just made banana bread last night too, except I couldn’t add in any chocolate because my family isn’t too hyped on it (really, I haven’t quite figured out how we’re related ). The addition of chocolate would surely have made it better, yum!

Hi there, what do you do with the eggs, as stated in the ingredients, as they are not mentioned in the recipe! Thanks

Oh my goodness FF, my mouth is watering horribly. I’ve made banana bread a gazillion times but NEVER put dark chocolate in it… until now (or, until, soon, I should say). Mmm, mmm, mmm. And I’m quite jealous by the plum-age in your part of the world. I’m not a fan of the kind we grow here but I remember devouring them every time I stayed with a friend down in London or the Cornwall area. They’re softer and a lot darker from what I remember. Good foodie memories.

Ooh that IS good – too impatient to wait for it to cool so just eaten warm with lovely gooey chocolately lumps. Put two thirds of mixture in loaf tin and used the rest in some cup cake cases. Now I can freeze loaf for friends visit and get to enjoy it today as well- everybody happy!

Hi – I’m a bit late to the frugalfeeding party but I’ve just made this and it is one of the nicest, easiest cakes I’ve made. Thank you for the recipe.

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