American Recipes Vegetarian

American-Style Buttermilk Pancakes

This recipe is, I’m afraid, the last in the group of those photographed whilst I was away visiting Katherine a couple of weeks ago. While this wouldn’t usually be a problem, as many of you will know, the frugal household is without a properly functioning kitchen. However, the hob and oven are now in, as is the sink. So, it is possible that I’ll be able to cook something and photograph it in the coming days, thus bringing to a close this most turbulent period in my life, in which I’ve experienced withdrawal symptoms aplenty. Seriously, I’ve not been able to actually grip anything for the past two weeks; my palms have been simply too sweaty. The less said about my recurrent heart palpitations, the better.

This post is my 124th, but oddly enough it is the first that has been specifically geared towards breakfast. I don’t know why, but breakfast has never really enthralled me. To start my day I tend to eat a rather popular chocolate cereal, have a piece of toast with marmite and soft cheese, or simply refrain from breaking my fast at all. This is all very bad practice, but to be honest, I’m not very good in the mornings and would rather have a quick and easy breakfast than get up, cook an impressively time consuming meal and get about my day. However, this may change over the course of the next couple of months, partly because I like taking photos of my food using only the light of the sun and partly because I really should make more of an effort!

你喜欢我的小煎饼锅吗?我买了它part of my graduation present whilst visiting Katherine and haven’t looked back, despite having only used it once. It’s brilliant, in that it virtually ensures that one’s pancakes are exactly the same size every time. I’m a little pedantic about that sort of thing, so in my world it was an ideal buy. Though, it’s really much better for the American style of pancake, by which I mean thick and airy, than for the British style which is essentially a crêpe. Apologies for any offense which my pancakes may inflict to the body of my American readers, the naming is simply the observation of one potentially naïve British citizen.

American-Style Buttermilk Pancakes

Makes 12-14


• 100g plain flour

• ½ tsp baking powder

• A pinch of salt

• 80ml of buttermilk

• 50ml of cold water

• 2 eggs, lightly beaten

• Oil or butter for frying


1. Sieve the flour, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. In a separate jug, mix together the buttermilk and the water. Gradually whisk the wet mixture into the dry, before beating in the eggs one at a time until smooth.

2.使用大、厚基础煎锅或小purpose-built pancake pan, fry off roughly 1 ½ tbsp of the mixture in a little oil or butter. If using a very large pan doing two or three of these at once may be possible. Each pancake takes roughly 1 minute on each side to turn golden brown. Keep them warm in a low oven until ready to be devoured with a little maple, or golden, syrup.

Cost:An entire batch of these pancakes should be achievable for a mere£1. Though, I suppose that one could spice them up a little by adding some dried fruit, which would make them a little more expensive to produce. Enjoy!

82 replies on “American-Style Buttermilk Pancakes”

Oh, you need to get your kitchen back. I can’t imagine! Also, I really do like your pancake pan. I just made some pancakes on the weekend. Each was a different size. Ovals, circles, jellybean shaped. Very unattractive. Maybe I need a special pancake pan!

I wasn’t a fan of breakfast for a long time, until I learned to cook things I really enjoy. A lot of breakfast foods aren’t very good, you know? And sometimes I just eat leftover dinner for breakfast LOL. But pancakes are always a good choice!

I love breakfast food…in fact when we were growing up we sometimes had breakfast for dinner (eggs, pancakes, etc, not choco-puffs!). I like making sourdough pancakes because you mix it all up the night before and only have to be conscious enough to heat up the griddle in the AM. (Yeasted pancakes/waffles are the same). I also love making quick breads, scones and muffins for breakfast, though I usually make them the night before–though I think you can refrigerate as well if you’re set on having them “freshly baked.” Sorry about your kitchen, sounds like agony.

Positively perfect little morning cakes! Soon you’ll be drinking coffee like us yanks. (Or are you doing that already?) That, together with morning light (and now your beautiful pancakes) will make mornings worth waking for. Still wishing your kitchen a rapid recovery!

They are beautiful and I’m so glad you’ll have your kitchen back. I have a friend who says she only has a kitchen because it came with the house which I find just so wrong – it’s the best part of my house.

Love how the syrup is dripping off the pancakes. It’s too bad I’m trying desperately to stay away from carbs…
and did you know you can mix vinegar with milk to make your own buttermilk? Just a frugal little tip for you…

Breakfast is one of my favourite meals of the day so can’t imagine not being that fussed about it (or existing on coco pops!)… For someone not that bothered these pancakes look particularly delicious though and love your little pan

I love pancakes for breakfast, but our absolute favorite thing to do here is make breakfast foods for our evening meal!

Sorry you’ve been working without a kitchen. My oven went out over the summer and it drove me crazy!

I love making pancakes because it’s not much more trouble to double or triple the batch, cook dozens and let them cool before parceling them out into personal portions and freezing. Anything that freezes well is A-OK with me!

Wow. This is a popular post. Those pancakes look fantastic, almost crepe like. Is there a type of pancake that Europeans would normally eat? Or is there just a name for eat regional pacake like dutch, amerian, french, etc.?

Haha, I suppose it is. I have quite a few now :). Well. Europeans would eat a crepe which are paper thin – though, we call them pancakes in Britain. American pancakes, to me, are thick. We also have scotch pancakes which are very similar to American ones.

I was just thinking that the pancakes in the picture were a bit thin. But, I think I would prefer them that way. I can only eat one American style pancake before I get sick of them. I’ll have to try it your way some time.

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