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Carrot and Coriander Hummus

Carrot and Coriander Hummus

Carrots have figured rather heavily in my diet as of late. You see, we reside atop a small supermarket and whilst we refuse to shop there for most items, they frequently reduce items that are going out of date – very frugal. Of course, the food they reduce is never actually past its best, let alone going off, so we consider it best tominimise waste wherever possible. It just so happens that we’ve recently encountered a spate of reduced carrots, an occurrence which has both enabled me to further my experimentation, resulting in this rather special Carrot and Coriander Hummus.

This recipe has quickly become one of my firm favourites. It is adapted from an idea given to me by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. In my eyes, carrot hummus is just as delicious as regularhummus– there’s just something about roasted carrots that get my taste buds going. Indeed, the sweetness of the carrot and the slight caramelisation of its natural sugars through the process of roasting expertly succeeded in captivating my senses.

Carrot and Coriander Hummus

If you’re at all interested in reading my other recipes that make use of the carrot and coriander combination, click for mycarrot and coriander soupandcarrot and coriander fritters!

Carrot and Coriander Hummus

Serves 4


• 300g carrots, peeled and chopped

• 3 cloves of garlic

• 2 tsp peanut butter

• 2 tsp freshly ground coriander

• A small handful of fresh coriander

• 1 tsp chilli flakes

• 1 lemon, juice of

• 4 tbsp olive oil

• Salt

• Pepper


1. Pop the carrots and garlic cloves onto a roasting tin, drizzle with oil, season and roast for 20-30 minutes – until just beginning to brown.

2. Toast the coriander seeds before bashing them up a bit. Squeeze the roasted garlic out of their skins. Transfer everything to a food processor, adding the olive oil 1 tbsp at a time until you’ve achieved the desired consistency. Serve with pita breads.

Carrot and Coriander Hummus

Cost:My carrots cost10 pence a bag, which is incredible. However, I have to assume that yours didn’t – in light of that assumption my estimate for this hummus would be£1.30, which, as it happens, is exactly the same price as theoriginal recipe! Not only am I frugal, my frugality is consistent!

130 replies on “Carrot and Coriander Hummus”

I should also mention that I am loving all of your photos. They always make me want to reach out and grab the food…too bad I’m looking at your creations on a computer.


What an excellent idea – I have really been missing my hummus since starting the Low FODMAP diet – your recipe (minus the garlic!) is just the ticket. Thank you for blogging about it, I will surely give it a go.

I think my kids would go for this recipe–peanut butter, orange, served on pita bread, and for me, not expensive. What a great recipe.

Your posts are always enjoyable to read & full of great ideas! I’ve made hummus many times, but never like this. Do you think it would still be good with the traditional tahini, instead of peanut butter (I can’t have peanuts)? Perhaps the flavor would be too strong? Maybe cashew butter (not so frugal–but ok if I find it on sale,as I did recently.)

This sounds surprisingly good! I say “surprisingly” because I couldn’t quite come to terms with ‘carrot’ and ‘hummus’ in the same recipe title. Having read it, though, I’m a convert!

Frugal, now don’t get too orange, you might start looking like an oompaloompa…. I’m loving this carrot series, especially with the coriander. I love putting peanut or almond butter in my hummus when I’m out of tahini, fancy seeing it here! I can see how this would be infinitely more interesting than mere chickpea hummus. Nice!

Oh, very nice.. There’s something about roasted carrots.. And hummus. And combined. Ah. Will try this one for the dinner party this weekend. We’ve got a few vegetarians coming!

I just made a beetroot hummus! Love the colour of yours too, will try carrots next time definitely, the sweetness of a root veg is a fabulous thing in hummus. Your photos are looking gorgeous recently too <3

Whew! I just about got R.S.I. scrolling down you have that many comments! I have coriander growing in the garden and carrots are cheap so I might give this tasty looking hummus a waltz around the kitchen and see if it can tango!

I came across your site yesterday (via AGirlCalledJack) and this recipe appealed to me so much. I made it last night and have brought to work for today’s lunch, with some crackers. It tastes amazing, and I can only imagine the flavours will have mingled more so come lunchtime. I didn’t have coriander seeds (hmmm, was sure there were some lurking, but turns out not) so used dried coriander leaves. And just because I had some stray chickpeas in the fridge, mashed these and added for some extra protein.
I am delighted to have found your site – saved to favourites – and I have printed several more recipes to try to start off with. Thank you!!

I found your site this morning (via Skint Foodie), and have just made this with a couple of lonely carrots that needed to be used up. On oatcakes for lunch, mm, delicious. Lots of great ideas here, thanks, I’ll be revisiting often.

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