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Gingerbread Latté Cupcakes

Gingerbread Latte cupcakes

It used to be the case that the point at which most people started to nurture festive cheer and excitement was when the classic “Holidays are Coming” Coca-Cola advert first appeared on the television. While this cultural phenomenon remains to a greater or lesser extent true, another indicator has more recently emerged; the gingerbread latté. To be frightfully honest, I’ve only ever had one of these Western delicacies and while it was somewhat delicious, I prefer my coffee bitter and strong. Besides, most gingerbread lattes are served from thecentre of caffeine Hell(Starbucks) and are, as such,rather un-frugal.

You’ll be glad to know that I’m using abonafide gingerbread recipefor these cupcakes, one that featured on FrugalFeeding sometime ago. The one way to spoil a recipe such as this would be to use a modified sponge recipe; the depth of flavour just wouldn’t be there – black treacle is simply a must. Happily, this is an old recipe from when people knew how to do things properly – none of these dietary requirements. After all, Katherine’s grandmother swears by it – it must be good.

Gingerbread Latte cupcakes

将有一些相当令人兴奋well-loved drink into something edible, as opposed to drinkable. Now I think about it, cupcakes seem to be the perfect way to approach such a transformation since, like most sweet hot-drinks, they have a body, a topping and a sprinkle, or garnish. Take these for instance, the base is gingerbread, the topping is cream and the garnish is freshly grated nutmeg – perfection. Enjoy!

Gingerbread Latté Cupcakes

Makes 20-22


• 225g plain flour

• A pinch of salt

• 2 tsp ground ginger

• 1 tsp mixed spice

• 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

• 55g light muscovado sugar

• 110g butter

• 110g black treacle

• 110g golden syrup

• 150ml milk

• 2 eggs

• 200ml double cream

• A little fresh nutmeg


1. Heat the oven to 180C and prepare your cupcake cases. Sieve together the flour, salt, ginger, mixed spice and bicarbonate of soda, before stirring in the sugar.

2. Melt together the butter, treacle and syrup over a gentle heat. Gradually beat in the milk and allow the mixture to cool a little. Beat the eggs before stirring them into the treacle mixture. Stir the wet mixture into the dry, tip into your cupcake cases and bake for 16-17 minutes.

Gingerbread Latte cupcakes

3. Place on wire rack to cool completely before decorating with whipped cream and a little freshly grated nutmeg.

Gingerbread Latte cupcakes

Cost:Like the gingerbread that came before them, these cupcakes aresensationally frugal. Admittedly, these work out a little more expensive as a result of the added cream, but it’s worth it… trust me. Despite that dairy-based addition, these cupcakes should set one back no more than around£2!

158 replies on “Gingerbread Latté Cupcakes”

Starbucks comment much appreciated. Independent coffee shop alternatives exist almost everywhere you find the ubiquitous tax dodgers. It may be roulette, but worth a shot to try anywhere else (apologies for the pun, I can’t stop myself).

Tiny little exotic pyramids of “BAM”! Ginger has to be my favourite spice. I include it in my breakfast every day (aside from one day that I decided to include turmeric and we shall NEVER talk about that day again!) and despite Steve not being enarmoured of its spicy heat, I try to put it in as many things as I can. Sadly, we can’t grow it here but the irony is that it’s purely decorative cousin flourishes on Serendipity Farm. Not only am I going to make these tiny promises of heaven, but I am going to make an entire pan of Katherine’s grannies gingerbread. Please thank her for me (enormous hugs and effusive kisses…) from the bottom of my ginger loving antipodean heart

Wow! They look absolutely amazing and, being a ginger addict, I feel compelled to try baking them very very soon. Do you think they could work with soya milk instead of dairy? And do you think the boyfriend might not notice they actually contain ginger? I made him OD on it while I was pregnant and he has, for now, banned me from cooking with it…PS couldn’t agree with you more about Starbucks. Good coffee is a must and they do not make it.

Once again, a lovely blog! I cannot agree with you more, that Starbucks is way too sugary sweet and this is coming from a Californian!
I prefer my coffee with just a bit of milk… My thought is, that if I want sugar, it should be in the form of a cookie… Or in this case… Gingerbread! For those in the US, treacle is molasses. The dark is like Black Treacle =0)

那些看起来不错!我喜欢姜饼和t达成一致he black molasses. It’s a sensational ingredient. I laughed at your comment about “dietary requirements”! I’ve had all kinds of desserts and have found all types to be delicious when the right ingredients, no matter what they are, are used and come together beautifully and the passion used behind it.

Strabucks aren’t here yet. Only our international airport in capital city. But i don’t mind either way, ‘cos I don’t drink coffe at all, but I love Coca-cola. And I absolutely love that commercial “Holidays are Coming” =)

And because I don’t drink coffee think I should try this recipe before Christmas. Yammy =). Those looks delicious. I was just wondering what do you mean about “1 tsp mixed spice” What is mixed spice? I haven’t heard that kind of spice. Though I live in Finland. Do you have something you can recommended instead?

With Love SonyBlue

PS. Thanks for stopping by and liking my post, so I could find your blog.

Awesome! One of the more exciting cupcakes I’ve seen in awhile. Quite bored with the overly sweet cupcakes I’ve been seeing everywhere. Now THIS is my kinda dessert. Much more exciting flavours with the ginger, spices and all. Great blog btw! I’m def all about the frugal eating too (student life has taught me well) =)

Yum, love a good gingerbread! But not a fan of cupcakes I’m afraid. Think I could just turn this into a cake instead? And, American here, what is black treacle? Is that the same as molasses?

I love anything with molasses in it, real gingerbread being no exception. Looks delicious! And you are spot on about Starbucks. If I get a specialty drinking (rarely) I always ask that they decrease the syrups by 2/3.

Freshly grated nutmeg ranks right up there on my list of olfactory delights. Pairing it with cream topped gingerbread cupcakes… nasal nirvana.

Lol re: your coffee shop comment… the only time I indulge in a cup is when I pick someone up at the airport (so far that totals 3 trips in 5 years, ha!) My hubby always asks before I leave, “Are you going to have your 5 dollar cup of coffee today?”

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