Asian Healthy Eating Indian Recipes Vegan Vegetarian

Onion Bhajis

Onion Bhaji Recipe

Onion bhajis are the perfect accompaniment for many an Indian dish – meat-based curries benefit particularly from their presence as they provide a tasty, vegetarian contrast. Most people insist on purchasing sub-par bhajis from their local supermarket – I know not why – despite the fact they are exceedingly simple and quick to make – as the recipe below attests. Let’s hope that the almost seductive, golden-brown hue of these unassuming, spicy Indian snacks weans the general public off their mass-produced supply and onto something a little more choice. Excuses shall be ignored.

How to make onion bhajis

So perfectly brisk are these bhajis that they have developed the curious habit of leaping from my (gorgeous) skillet with peculiar regularity – perhaps once or twice per week. Indeed, not only are they ideal for simultaneous consumption with all manner of Indian feast, they have a tendency to work jolly well as a meal all of their own.

Every facet of this frugal onion bhaji recipe is bulging with flavour – from the gram flour to the spices – so much so that one could even spend lunch alone with a few and emerge satisfied. However, serve them with yoghurt/raita and pita and you’ll soon be leaping from your bath ejaculating (no sniggering) eurekas here, there and, perhaps, everywhere.

Indian food is one of those cuisines that has a million and one side-dishes that could accompany each curry. Similar to these bhajis,my recipe for Spinach Pakorasmake for a flavoursome and crispy accompaniment.

Onion Bhajis

Makes 10-12


  • 1 white onion, finely sliced
  • 1 red onion, finely sliced
  • 2 cloves of garlic, mashed
  • 1 thumb of ginger, finely chopped
  • ½ tsp turmeric
  • ½ tsp garam masala
  • 1 tsp chilli flakes
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 100g gram flour
  • 60-80ml water
  • Sunflower or vegetable oil
  • Salt


1.切洋葱,把它们放在一个大的混合bowl, separate each individual slice. Add all of the spices, garlic, ginger, gram flour and salt and mix it around a little. Add 1 tbsp of sunflower oil and 60ml of water. Mix it all together and add a little more water if the mixture isn’t loose enough – the batter should adequately coat the onion.

Recipe for Onion Bhajis

2. Heat 4-5 tbsp of sunflower oil in a thick based pan over a medium heat. Once at temperature, take a little of the mixture and place it into the oil. Fry until golden brown on each side, allow enough time to cook through. Soak up any excess oil with kitchen roll.

Onion Bhaji Recipe

Cost:Everything about onion bhajis is frugal; onions and gram flour are exceedingly cheap. Indeed, the entire batch, enough for 3-4 people, should set one back no more than80p!

77 replies on “Onion Bhajis”

Again you triumph monseigneur Frugal (or should that be Frugal Saab to keep it in context with today’s post? ). The very first ethnic wading pool that a new vegetarian/vegan usually tentitively dips their toes into tends to be Indian thanks to the plethora of veggie rich recipes that this delicious spicy cuisine delivers and the humble bhaji is just such a delicacy. Homemade it can be downright luxurious. You can make it with just about any vegetable folks…onion is just one of the tastiest varieties and there is something scrumptious about those long thin strips of onion taking on other forms and becoming crispy batter covered deliciousness and when dipped into something cooling it’s the fixin’s for all manner of occasions and can be dressed up accordingly. Cheers for another wonderful post and one that is completely translatable into our hot summer conditions…frypan cooking is easy peasy when the heat of the day is still ruminating about in the kitchen long after the sun goes down (although our sun is going down at 9.30pm at the moment…a little late for an evening meal methinks! ). A plate full of these little beauties with a gorgeous fresh salad from the garden… Heaven!

Haha – thanks! I have tried lots of ethnic food, but find myself coming frequently back to Indian! I shall be doing more varieties, never you fear! Your life sounds heavenly. I want the sun to go down after 5pm please!

Well, I never thought to make my own, assuming a deep-fat fryer was a requirement. And since I have never seen an onion bhaji in Germany, I shall have to try! Thanks!

This is our go-to lunch when pretty well all we have in the house is, well, onions… But we’ve been casting around for the perfect recipe. We tried this one today – and it looks like this is it! Delicious w some home-made mango chutney and (fusion cuisine!) don-don noodles. Thanks!

我迷上洋葱bhajis我学习的时候n the UK, but only recently did I start to see them on the occasional menu in America. And since few Americans have any idea what they are, and therefore don’t order them, they’re usually not great. But making my own… good idea!

[…] Onion Bhajis – Here are nice little onion fritters that can be eaten separately but should really be added to a meal. Yes, they’re fried, but only lightly, and using sunflower oil. The ingredients they contain all have their own nutritious benefits. For example, the turmeric used as a spice has been shown to get your metabolism going. The garlic and onions have long been known for their cleansing properties. […]

[…] Onion Bhajis – Here are nice little onion fritters that can be eaten separately but should really be added to a meal. Yes, they’re fried, but only lightly, and using sunflower oil. The ingredients they contain all have their own nutritious benefits. For example, the turmeric used as a spice has been shown to get your metabolism going. The garlic and onions have long been known for their cleansing properties. […]

In Sri Lanka Shriyarni sometimes made a delicious dipped cauliflower morsel to accompany our rice and curry. I’ve never been able to replicate it, but I think this batter would be terrific to dip the cauliflower into – the ginger and gram flower accentuating the sweetness of the cauli, just as it does the onion. I’ll give it a try and let you know.

[…] Onion Bhajis – Here are nice little onion fritters that can be eaten separately but should really be added to a meal. Yes, they’re fried, but only lightly, and using sunflower oil. The ingredients they contain all have their own nutritious benefits. For example, the turmeric used as a spice has been shown to get your metabolism going. The garlic and onions have long been known for their cleansing properties. […]

你好,想知道你知道会多久keep for? In a container in the fridge.
I’m trying to meal prep for night work and these would definitely be something that would make my nights that bit easier

Sorry for the slow response – in the fridge they’d last 2-3 days. However, I’d warm them back up before eating, preferably with a sprinkling of lime juice or even water. Refrigerating tends to dry them out a bit.

[…] Indian cuisine is a treasure trove of scrumptious fried things. These onion pakoras are gluten-free, only four ingredients, and I would serve them with a yogurt and cucumber raita/tzatziki and a spicy-sweet chutney. Want more Indian-inspired flavor in your fritters? Trying this more complex recipe. […]

[…] 30. Onion Bhajis – Here are nice little onion fritters that can be eaten separately but should really be added to a meal. Yes, they’re fried, but only lightly, and using sunflower oil. The ingredients they contain all have their own nutritious benefits. For example, the turmeric used as a spice has been shown to get your metabolism going. The garlic and onions have long been known for their cleansing properties. […]

Shared this recipe with my daughters…so tasty . I always keep a good size root of ginger in the freezer…keeps for ages and you can grate it from frozen

These are truly amazing! Easy and taste delicious. I didn’t have gram flour so used plain instead .

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