French Recipes

Toulouse Sausage Cassoulet

Toulouse Sausage Cassoulet

The cassoulet, above all French peasant dishes, has the most hotly debated method. From the meat to the type of bean used, no two regions appear able to agree. Without obligation to conform, my recipe for Toulouse Sausage Cassoulet foregoes modern French excess in favour of hearty flavour and rustic comfort.

French Recipes

French Green Lentil Stew

Green Lentil Stew Recipe

For me, one of the best things about going on holiday is the inspiration it brings to the food you prepare and eat. Having spent some time in France back in September, I picked up one or two good ideas for French countryside fare. Green lentils have long been a staple ingredient in rustic French cuisine. And you can see why; a few special additions transform what is an otherwise basic ingredient into a rich and delicious French Green Lentil Stew.

European French Healthy Eating Recipes Special Diets Vegan Vegetarian



The difference between a mediocre Ratatouille and an exceptional one is its consistency. When making this classic French dish, it is important to keep the chunks of vegetable (or rather, fruit) intact. Ratatouille doesn’t require as much cooking as some appear to believe, but it does take time to perfect it. Spend your time wisely in the preparation and an exceptional ratatouille will almost certainly follow, boil it or stew it and your guests can expect to receive soggy, limp and unimpressive ingredients – no matter how good they taste.

bob平台 Desserts French Recipes tarts Vegetarian

Apricot Tarte Tatin

谢谢大家的生日祝福和应用reciated compliments on Katherine’s cake. It really was a delicious bake, very impressive indeed. We had a lovely week in Aylesbury, though sods law came into play a little and the weather has improved exactly one day after arriving back in Aberystwyth. Oh well, at least it is finally here and the month-long deluge is over. Prepare yourselves for a lengthy, but comical, rant regarding pastry!

French Healthy Eating Recipes Vegetarian

Crustless Spinach and Ricotta Quiche

Crusts are all well and good; in fact, I’ve counted them among my many inanimate friends for a number of years. However, they also contain copious amount of butter and flour. Indeed, though pastry is mighty delicious, I have noticed that a number of quiche-eaters neglect to munch most of the crust with which they have been supplied. As such, this is a recipe for those of you who want to avoid the added fat, carbs and cost afforded by pastry. Of course, this idea is transferrable to most quiche recipes, but it had to be introduced somewhere. In any case, please give the idea a go since it makes for a delicious and, more importantly, light lunch or dinner.