bob平台 Bread Healthy Eating Recipes Vegetarian

Simple White Bread

White Bread

One finds oneself, these days, getting rather sick of all the factory produced bread that litters every supermarket and corner shop in this country. Although it is possible to buy good bread from such places, such loaves tend to be a little on the expensive side. In stark contrast, this loaf is exceptionally good, contains no preservatives and costs next to nothing. It merely requires a little time, but even the effect of this can be lessened by making the dough in advance.

Asian Healthy Eating Indian Recipes

Goan Chicken Curry

Goan Chicken Curry

我一直在烹饪,同样的三个咖喱te a while now, and thought it would be best to do something , if not completely different, then slightly different. Most curries made by myself are tomato based; goan curry, however, contains no tomato and is entirely yoghurt based. This does two things:firstly, it makes the curry a lot smoother; and,secondly, it reduces the cost somewhat over a curry which uses both yoghurt and tomato.

bob平台 Desserts Recipes Vegetarian

Chocolate and Orange Cake

Chocolate Orange Cake

There’s nothing quite like cake is there? Problem is, cake is pretty bad for you, this cake changes all that… it’s even worse! It was borne of an evening at a friend’s house at which there was a fabulous chocolate orange cake of which I had only one slice, so I made another. It is a little different though because this recipe uses oil instead of butter/stork which makes the batter extra moist, at the cost of at least one artery per slice.

Asian Healthy Eating Middle Eastern Recipes Vegetarian


Hummus Recipe (1)

By far and away my favourite food to eat, for lunch at least, is hummus. It is such a versatile food which can be used both as a filling or as a dip, and flavoured with no end of different spices and herbs. This hummus recipe may contain rather a lot of olive oil, but it’s still a great healthy snack and a fantastic way of taking on protein.

European Healthy Eating Recipes Vegetarian

Tortilla (Spanish Omelette)

I’ve been wanting to bring you readers this dish for a while now, however my girlfriend decided that each time we had it planned she didn’t like omelette, despite the fact she did this at least twice. Also, my mum hates eggs, yet she eats omelette and quiche, what’s with that? Bloody women. Sorry that slipped out, don’t castigate me.