Asian Bread Healthy Eating Indian Recipes Vegetarian

Homemade Chapatis


Recently I’ve begun to wonder why I ever bought goods I could easily make at home. For example, I haven’t bought a loaf of bread for weeks simply because I can make much better, much healthier bread at home. I’ll concede that it takes a little more time to actually make a loaf of bread than it does to buy one, but to be honest if you enjoy it then why not. Plus, things always taste better if one has made them oneself, not to mention the fact that it is a damn good way to have a break from revision.

It is in this vein of thought that I decided to never buy a pita, naan or chapati again, if I could possibly help it. This little venture will properly take off in a couple of weeks once exams are out of the way. However, I plan to get up at around 7am tomorrow in order to bake a fresh loaf of white bread to have with my traditional Welsh cawl later that evening. It must be noted, however, that chapatis don’t really apply to such time considerations because they are so simple and quick to make it’s a little sickening that I ever bought them from a supermarket.

Indeed, my days of supermarket slobbery are behind me. Never again shall I comfort myself in the safe, yet overpriced, arms of a gloating den of hypocrisy. Alright, perhaps supermarkets aren’t quite that bad, but when you can get enough flour to make 40-50 chapatis for around £1, it’s pretty ridiculous that they presume that their customers will be fully happy in paying in excess of that price for a mere half dozen.

Chapatis {recipe}

Makes 9-10


  • 200g wholemeal flour
  • 75毫升窟er, I have been advised that in order to make them extra soft it is better to use boiling water
  • salt
  • tbsp olive oil
  1. Mix together the flour, water, salt and a tbsp of olive oil.
  2. Knead on a floured surface until the dough is very smooth. This should take 5-10 minutes, but itisworth it.
  1. Separate the dough into 9 or 10 balls. Roll these balls out into a “pancake”.
  1. Fry the pancakes in a dry pan for a few minutes on each side. Do not make them crispy
Cost:For 9-10 of these you can except to pay maybe20p, making theseat least5 times cheaper than those in the shops. Surely making these is a no-brainer considering they’ll take no more than 20 minutes to make.

11 replies on “Homemade Chapatis”

They look delicious, yes you are right we should make more effort. But getting up at 7am to make a loaf of bread is a step too far. Just as well I have a bread maker with a timer :p

I made butter from sunflower seeds last night and I was thinking the same thing–why would I ever buy this from the store when I can easily make this at home??? It’s so simple! The chapatis look good–I have never had them before! I am going to try to convert them into gluten-free! Thanks!

I’m from India. Here we never use boiling water for chapati. It is important to knead well. Let the dough rest for about half an hour before you make the roti. Roti and chapati are the same, by the way.

Thanks Mano. I want to make traditional rotis for my husband so I was looking for a recipe. I also have purchased chapati flour, but I am not sure if that’s supposed to make a difference.

我有一个chappati面粉,我已经使用了some time & it does make nice chappatis/aparathas & it is sort of tannish/ yellow…
i looked up exactlly what chappit flour is on the cooks thesaurus website & they said it was a mixture of wheat flour & malted barley flour… it doesnt call the what “whole wheat, only “wheat flour” … so now i am a little dismayed that it contains what i presume is plain old white flour.
ive tried using whole wheat four & it produces tough chappits & parathas … can i get some input from an indian person as to what is the proper flour to use& is it correct that chappti flour
is what i had mentioned above?

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