Healthy Eating Italian Recipes

Basil Pesto

Basil Pesto

In my last post I talked about doing more recipes for pasta dishes, as they are cheap and easy to make. So, I thought I’d begin with a recipe for basil pesto, something which is really easy to make and which goes quite a long way. Indeed, one need only add a teaspoon of this sauce to a bowl of pasta to make a quick, easy and fairly wholesome meal. When I was young I went through a phase of eating this simple, yet tasty, dish pretty much every day of the week, sometimes twice a day. It really is that nice, and if you’ve never tried it… do.

Healthy Eating Italian Recipes Vegetarian

Tomato, Olive and Parsley Pasta

Olive Pasta

Some of the simplest and cheapest dishes one can make are pasta dishes. One reason for this is because pasta is so amazingly versatile. One can throw it together with all manner of things, probably because alone it doesn’t have a particularly strong taste, or a particularly individual texture. It merely provides a good body of carbohydrates for a sauce, which makes it an ideal food for here. Yet there have been very few pasta recipes posted on this blog, and I’m not quite sure why. As such, over the coming weeks I’ll seek to rectify that – after all everyone has at least some form of pasta in their cupboards, and one can pick up a 500g pack of spaghetti for a mere41p.

Healthy Eating Italian Recipes Vegetarian

Butterbean Broth

Butterbean BrothAt the beginning of the university term I decided I wanted to continue eating a wider range of foods. So I picked up tins of a number of different pulses, which come in at a wonderful30peach and serve two, and thought I’d sort of “invent” a variety of dishes as I went along. Two of these tins contained butter beans, the first of which I used to makebutterbean patties, but I really wanted to conserve the shape and textures of the butterbeans, so with some help from BBC Goodfood – which by-the-way is fantastic – this butterbean broth was born.

Healthy Eating Italian Recipes Vegetarian

Mushroom Risotto

Mushroom Risotto

Another food I’ve been eating more of recently is mushrooms; I think my previous hate for them stems from my youth when I had an egg baguette in which I found, and accidentally ate, a rogue mushroom. However, I am now open to the idea of mushrooms, and this recipe, made up by Katherine makes perfect use of our fungal friends.

Healthy Eating Italian Recipes Vegetarian

Penne all’arrabiata

Penne Alla'rrabiata

Recently I’ve been providing more complicated recipes that aren’t on the cheaper side of the frugal scale. Whilst they are still very cheap, I can do better, so I will. There really is nothing nicer than a good, traditional pasta sauce, with simple, yet delicious flavours that don’t try to do anything too complicated. For this reason I have found that basic pasta sauces based around tomato always taste better without any tomato puree or balsamic vinegar, to name but two examples. It is my opinion that the most that should be added are more basic ingredients, chilli or basil for instance.