European Healthy Eating Recipes

Paprika Pork Stew

今天我带给你,我忠实的读者,但板块r recipe borrowed and adapted from the ever useful BBC GoodFood. However, as I have recently discussed the virtues of this wonderful site I shan’t subject any of my followers to more of the same, just yet. To be honest, one hardly needs to use a recipe for a dish like this – it’s more about the idea, reading something that places the drive to cook a certain dish into one’s head. I think this is the case with a lot of my creations and remains one of the main reasons I read an awful lot of recipes posted across wordpress. There’s nothing better than discovering the ideas or foodie nuances of fellow bloggers and adapting them to one’s own lifestyle or flavour preference. After all, one person alone cannot come up with too many dishes all at once, such creativity demands inspiration. So, thank-you wordpress!

European Recipes

Beef Goulash

Beef Goulash

In my opinion Hungarian Beef Goulash is the ultimate one-pot dish. Indeed, you’d be hard pushed to inject any more flavour into a dish than one can here. What you get with this meal is an intensely rich and thick sauce which is both supremely tasty and very filling whilst being particularly cheap to produce, which I guess was the point of such a dish in the first place.