Recipes Spanish

Spicy Chorizo and Tomato Pasta

Frugal Chorizo and Tomato Pasta Recipe

Here we are again, yet another delicious recipe inspired by my trip to Spain. As you can tell, I have an exceptional capacity for eating anything remotely Iberian. Happily, this dish, likePatatas Revolconas, reminds one immediately of Spanish cuisine; the culprit in both recipes beingpaprika. I’m sure that I’ll eventually emerge, with my skin coloured a perfect shade of red and my aura pervaded by a spicy scent, from my love affair with paprika, buttoday is not that day.

Healthy Eating Recipes Spanish Vegan Vegetarian

Patatas Revolconas

One of the finest things about holidaying in Spain is the fact that tapas is served, free of charge, with almost any drink you buy. The larger and more expensive the drink, the better the tapas will be. Buy a couple of beers (cervezas) for€3and you may find yourself with a small plate of jamón ibérico. However, indulge in a gin-tonic or slightly larger cerveza and a plate of paella or patatas revolconas may be discovered beside one’s chosen beverage. For a food-blogger, the prospect of being given free food with an already inexpensive drink is almost overwhelming, the only down side being that one may end up consuming a little too much alcohol… but who cares? It’s a holiday! So, if you wish to recreate the Spanish ideal of relaxing in the sun, drinking a little more than usual and eating delicious food, which for some inexplicable reason was free, it’s probably best that you make this. Though I refuse to be blamed for any side-effects that may arise as a result of such indulgence… you acted of your own volition.

Basque French Healthy Eating Recipes Spanish Swedish Vegetarian

Hasselback Potatoes with Egg Piperade

Hasselback potatoes

The best way to achieve frugality is for one to learn how to make as many meals as possible using the humble potato. This has to be my personal favourite, thus far. The hasselback potato is a Swedish version of the baked potato, though due to the way it’s sliced it also tastes a little like a chip (fries). Although it pains me to lower my vocabulary to such base and vile terms, this is a really sexy way to prepare a potato – let it never be said that potatoes are boring. How naughty and un-British was that?