Asian Chinese Healthy Eating Recipes

Sweet Chicken and Sesame Seed Stir Fry with Soy Salad

Isn’t BBC GoodFood just marvellous? One can just visit the site and type in any ingredient and it’ll give you a list of every recipe in which it is included. It’s simply ideal for those moments where one’s imagination fails and some guidance really is necessary. If you haven’t visited the site I implore you to do so, especially the Americans who read this blog – I can’t imagine you’ve had an awful lot to do with the BBC. This recipe is actually taken from the BBC GoodFood magazine, which my Grandmother receives once a month – she reads it, cuts out the recipes she likes and then passes the magazine onto me. This is fortunate, as my esteemed elder doesn’t really go for the more adventurous dishes, being somewhat traditionalist.

Asian Chinese Healthy Eating Recipes

Stir-Fry Pork

Stir Fry Pork

The problem with coming home for the holiday is that there’s always so much bread, and bread makes you fat quickly, or in my case… fatter. So I thought I’d throw together something healthy, using many of the left-overs in the house while I was at it. Indeed, left-over pork is ideal for this dish as it makes it even more juicy and means it doesn’t require much cooking at all. This dish is also perfect summer food and if you work out the right balance of flavours, as I’m trying to help you do, it will be very fresh and delicious, the only problem being that it could prove easily overpowered